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via punks is hippies - the blog! by Slobodan Burgher on 9/28/09

Here Miguel Angel writing from Spain. I just started a blog devoted to old music magazines, and in it I have enclosed the first issue of NO FLAG, a zine that I made between 1990 and 1993. We publish three copies, the others I have not scanned yet, but I will. I thought you might want to use and included in "PUNKS IS HIPPIES" so I leave you the link where I have uploaded. If not the best way of doing things but the only one I can think of. Thank you very much for your work.
[Cheeky Google translation from original blogspot in Spanish]
It was long ago, back in '91, when I got to 'edit' a fanzine. It was a time when I got into punk and especially hardcore roll as could be, was in a group. It had a radio show with a colleague and good, since I had nothing better to do (sweet twenty years ...) then why not publish a fanzine?.
The truth is that NO FLAG I did not do it alone, if not Uge, a colleague who played guitar with me and had some experience with another 'zine that has published long ago called "Ostia in the bar" (not bad ...). Together we share the work and postponed to work: most of the interviews he gave, as was more or less familiar with English and could write something to the bands and get along with them. The good news was that how are you were mostly Belgian, Netherlands and German (ie were not English) were at a level close in language.
As regards the design and so it was me who practically started the engine. The truth is that while it may sin of immodest, I must say that I seem to be anything wrong. Well, it was 1991 and the most we had was the electric typewriter Uge, I did not even have that, if not a second-hand Olivetti, the word Pentium simply did not exist, and some things we get print with a needle were a luxury. All headlines were made transferable, those sheets that came with adhesive letters and you had to switch to paper to write over them, all photos, funds and anything you see was done in a completely handmade, to go to base copy shop and ask for increases and decreases. You have my word that if you apply the amount of work (I will not go into the quality) that we put in this fanzine to a magazine with the media today, we had left badly METAL HAMMER, SOUNDS and CLASSIC ROCK together.
Well, now it's time to start seeing this issue of the fanzine, which will have much presence in this your blog. I leave the first track to the number descarguéis, there are three that ire up later, but this is 44 pages in black and white DINA4 in which the writer put a lot of illusion, so do not laugh!.
Miguel. Asturias
Ah! my blog address is HERE and the 'zine address for downloading is HERE. (26 mb)
Ps. Check out Sex Pistols in Spanish music magazine here! ds
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