zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh My! Comix #2

28 pages, digest size, $4.00, edited by Dexter Cockburn - thecomixcompany.ecrater.com
Dexter has turned his new comix series into an anthology with issue 2 - contributors include Robin Bougie, Dexter Cockburn, Kayla Escobedo, Hugo, JB, and Aaron Lange.
First of all I gotta say how great the 'contributor notes' page is, done in the style of those old comics ad pages for X-Ray Specs and Sea Monkeys.
Dexter's whipped up another Adventure Club story, this one involving filthy pirates! There's six pages of "durdee drawin's" by Robin Bougie; then the porky shenanigans are put on hold for a coupla strips by Kayla Escobedo (a big discovery for me) and a two-pager by JB of some extremely twisted dream drawn in an even more twisted art (reminded me of King Terry's "bad-good" [heta-uma] manga style) ... (JB, another big discovery!) Then some more Dexter stuff I can't tell you about. ... Then a superultramega disturbing/creepy strip - 'Lil' Baby Teef' - I think this one is by JB too (the strip is unsigned, consarn it!)
Then a two-pager by Hugh 'Shug' Raine ('A God Awful Small Affair'). Man, I never heard of him either! Where are all these badass comix dudes coming from?! Anyway, this one is supercute! And romantic!
The back (colour) cover strip is by yet another comix honcho new to me - Aaron Lange - it's a very funny snapshot of sex in the '70s, '80s and '90s.
This anthology fucking rocks. It's totally bitchin' and boss. Get it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Kung Fu Grip! #4

Kung Fu Grip! #4
Paco Taylor
7730 East Broadway #925
Tucson, AZ 85710
$1ppd, or two stamps

Kung Fu Grip is a time machine, or time ma-zine. Reading it brought me back to my 70’s era living room sitting in front of the furniture-sized-fake-wood-framed television watching ‘Enter the Dragon’ on Betamax while eating American cheese and miracle whip on white bread sandwiches. Of course, I never had a Betamax player, but that’s beside the point, the point is that this is a great zine that captures a past cultural aesthetic in an effective and very satisfying way. Contained within are stories about the Onge, Satun, and Pahang people of Asia, a tribute to his father, and some history of the zine. It’s well written and informative. My only complaint is that it’s too short, but, as the author explains, this is a special ‘free’ issue of KFG that is designed more for trades and is significantly shorter than past issues. Those past issues are now on my search radar of ‘zines to get’. Dig it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Badwill Newsletter

Badwill Newsletter: Volume 2 Issue 6 Number 10
December 2010
POB 383
Cookeville, TN 38503 $2

According to the people who write this newsletter, Goodwill is a pretty crappy place to work. This is the 10th installment of this newsletter and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. I’m not really sure what to make of this in that all of it is hearsay. If the stories are true, then it sounds like the various stores that these people had worked at were really poorly managed and the workers were treated with very little respect. If that is true, then it seems somewhat institutional, but like I said, it’s all hearsay.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

London Zine Symposium 2011


On Sunday I travelled up to London to attend the London Zine Symposium. I didn't take any photographs inside - it was a squeeze getting to some of the stalls let alone having room to swing a camera around! Fever Zine has some of the best photographs of the day I've seen; take a look.

Last year was good, this year was excellent; lots of great work, some amazing looking stalls and this time I had a few more friendly faces to say hello to plus a couple of unfamiliar ones who were rather lovely and an absolute pleasure to meet.

Being so dreadfully busy and hot inside I escaped after a couple of hours having forgotten to pick up one or two more zines; I did, however, buy this amazing David Lynch print (to be truthful, anything with David Lynch on it is enough to make my heart flutter) and glow-in-the-dark cat t-shirt.

(You can't see it very well but trust me, they glow!)
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16 pages, bigger than digest
Extra nice, glossy, color, heavy card stock cover
Price ?

A half dressed man who doesn't seem to know how to use controllers for the Wii console. Each page is a short cartoon, or composed of several, that is drawn large to grab your attention. The character hates his cat and on every page there is something new going on. Doesn't seem to follow any type of chronological order, seems like a cartoon you would see in a weekly hipster newsletter. I'd cut out the pages and frame them to decorate.
-Alyssa Sauer

This is a one story comic about a guy. Gross, vulgar, confusing, intriguing, funny, weird as shit. The character and/or artist may be on drugs, hard to tell. I like it, mostly because I'm not sure what to make of it. It's not poetry.
-Jack Cheiky

956 Post St #100
San Francisco, CA 94109
jacob.thornton [at] gmail.com

Don't Tread On ME!

Don't Tread on Me
22 pages, digest

From the suit and tie dressed dinosaur on the cover I knew right away whatever lies in these pages would intrigue me. The random comics which act as backgrounds along with the cut and paste style piecing proved to be very artsy. The "Drunken Letters to Abstract Concepts" piece is hilarious. I remember waking up one morning to a "you're welcome" letter from my bottle of Tylenol after a night of heavy drinking.

This zine is comprised of random awesomeness. Between Ratso's new identity for himself created only for his past love which he ran into at a party only to get pathetically denied later to a hand drawn comic involving a one-eyed dog with an owner who loves his hooch, there were laughs in reading this all around. Personally "Ask a Racist" was very comedic to me. But what about us crackers? We can dish it but can't take it? I'd love to see this piece done in the eyes of a minority. Or a response from some. Either way, the typical stereotypes made me laugh. Hopefully people read this with a sense of humor and perhaps a grain of salt.

The fictional excerpt from a day in the life of Harrison Ford. . I couldn't stop laughing. This is a unique zine in many ways and if you enjoy randomness and hearty laughs I most definitely recommend it!

Don't Tread On ME!
1128 West Grace St. Apt. 2
Richmond, VA 23220


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh My! Comix #1

28 pages, digest size, $4.00 by Dexter Cockburn - the comixcompany.ecrater.com
What we got here is a sensational and smutty collection of Dexter's comix, some of which were published elsewhere (Cinema Sewer, Yuck!, Sleazy Slice and Blackguard), and some of which have been unpublished up to now, you lucky devils!
I'm kinda biased, since I think Dexter's comix are fucking awesome, which is why I trick him into contributing to each and every issue of Blackguard. So I'll just say get it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Zine Reviews: April '11

Peach, Plum, Pear #1
Jenny Hughes,
Lincs-Notts/Glasgow - jenneh.hughesATgmailDOTcom
Awww, Jenny. She sent me Peach, Plum, Pear #1 AND #2 completely unsolicited, along with a lovely letter (and considering both are half-sized and 38 pages long, that was a very kind gesture!). I figured the least I could do was to review one here. Sadly, this zine has been made in what you might call the old-fashioned way - single-sided printing glued together. This gave me the impression that the zine was much longer than it turned out to be, and made it unnecessarily costly for Jenny to post due to the weight... but that's a small complaint, because the actual content was really interesting. It feels strange to say that I enjoyed reading this zine, as Jenny writes about harrowing topics of attempted suicide, self-harm, medication, and feeling that her days are consistently dull and monotonous. Of course, it was very sad and thought-provoking to read about Jenny’s difficulties with depression, but due to her good-natured take on her experiences and her sense of optimism, it was surprisingly uplifting. Everything is very well-written, and you really get a clear understanding of how Jenny feels and the difficulties she has encountered in her life.
She also tries to lighten the general mood of the zine with some less-than-serious content, including a list of 80s goth music she enjoys listening to and reasons to get out of the bed in the morning, as well as pretty artistic layouts and drawings throughout. Half-handwritten (such beautiful handwriting!) and half typewritten, this zine is just as lovely to look at as it is to read. Highly recommended.

Sugar paper #3: 20 Things to Make and Do
Various – sugarpaperzineAThotmailDOTcom
A comp-zine from the UK, Sugar Paper is a fantastic half-sized zine published twice a year. Issue 3 lists 20 fun creative activities to try, including various recipes, how to make a skirt, quizzes ("how twee are you?"), mazes, dinosaur origami, knitting a snake scarf, how to make a thermo trope, 3D pictures, starting a craft club, how to make a crochet pin cushion, how to get off the internet, and lots more! There's also a kit included with instructions on how to make friendship bracelets - I haven't tried doing it yet, I'm scared that I'll be terrible at it! This was a very fun zine, with lots of nice drawings, diagrams, and pretty layouts. Highly recommended for those of you looking for some new ways to be crafty!

Tempest in a Tea Cup #4
Louise, Lincoln – thiswaltzAThotmail.co.uk
Yay, another Tempest in a Tea Cup! This issue is a little more cheery than previous issues, with Louise writing about grrrlVIRUS, her favourite music, zine fests, attending Reclaim the Night, and her current obsessions. There are also some darker pieces, including dropping out of university, and losing her job. Louise states that so far, 2011 has been pretty crappy, but she hopes it will get better soon. There’s a general theme of feminism running through the zine, which is reflected in Louise’s writing and her choice of visuals used. The only thing I’d suggest Louise could do to improve Tempest in a Tea Cup is to write a few long pieces rather than lots of long pieces, as 2-3 pages per piece is never enough – I always find myself longing to read more! Other than that, this is a very nice zine that’s always refreshingly honest and frank. The layouts are lovely as ever, with lots of fun images that Louise found on tumblr scattered throughout.

Change the World in 7 Days
Pippa, Sheffield – incurable.hippieATgmailDOTcom

I really enjoyed reading this short and sweet zine. Inside, Pippa lists one positive thing we should do for every day of the week that can change the world, including subvertising, planting a tree, ditching the car, buy local food, and reuse our stuff. Each task comes with a few different ideas on how to carry it out, and some reasons why doing it can change the world. With pretty, floral layouts throughout, this is a cracking little zine that left me feeling very inspired to be more green!


The next zine news round-up will be posted a week Sunday. If you have anything you'd like included, please get in touch at spillthezinesukATgmailDOTcom! :)

l'âge dur

By Max de Radiguès

This is a cute little set of five minicomic bound together with a paper band. The comics focus on small events from teenage life. The characters skateboard, ride bicycles, get into fights, lust after girls, and the like.

As a Belgian de Radiguès's art is clearly influenced by the clear line style popularized Hergé, but there are aspects of other creators in here too. His large eyed females remind me of somebody. The name is on the tip of my brain. I was going to say Hope Larson, but I just looked her up and while her characters do seem to have large eyes, the rest of the art style isn't the same. Dang, this is going to bug me for ages.

Uhm, so anyway, the way de Radiguès draws boys and girls in his comic, combined with the stories he tells, really separates them into two groups. The girls seem knowledgeable, worldly, and sophisticated, while the boys seem little more than children. Even those boys that do manage to achieve any kind of connection with the girls are seen as having skills and knowledge beyond the norm.

These comics have thus captured some of the awkwardness prevalent in being a teenager. Not knowing what to do, not knowing what you're doing right, and not knowing how to get what you want.

Though, I say that's prevalent in teenagers, but I'm pretty sure I still deal with all those problems on a daily basis.

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Things That I Have Eaten / Things That I Have Drank

By Devin Renshaw

These are two cute little zines that show everything that Renshaw ate or drank in a one week period of time. Each page features a number of small drawings of food or drink that he consumed in a given day.

It's a neat idea, and I'm wondering if it's something I should do (if only to keep track of what I actually eat), but I'm kind of disgusted by Renshaw's eating habits. He eats fast food stuff like every day! Who goes to IHOP three times in one week? His drinking habits seem somewhat more reasonable, though he still consumes way more sugar than I would be comfortable doing.

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

Foragers #1

Foragers #1

16 pages, digest size, $? by Jaimie Hashey buttragmag13(at)gmail.com
It was so great to receive Foragers #1 the other day. Jaime sent me her second issue late last year, reviewed here, so it's really cool to finally see the beginning of this cute as heck farm animal story.
One morning Jo-Jo the guinea pig, Max the horse, Shylo, Hugo and Bruno the rabbits, and Sally the chicken all wake up one sunny morning on the farm waiting for the humans to come around with their breakfast. But where are the humans? Midday passes so the animals bust outta their cages and pens and head to the field to get something to eat there.
This is all totally G-rated, one of those rare indie comics you can read with the munchkinheads.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Carnet D'un Sauvage

By Nye Wright

I love traveling, I love writing about my own trips, and I love reading about other people's trips too. If it's somewhere I've never been to, I get to live vicariously through them; if it's somewhere I have been to, I get to compare what they did to what I did, wonder why they didn't go to that awesome place I found, and feel dumb for not doing that awesome thing I didn't even know about.

This zine takes the form of a sketchbook that Wright made during a trip to Europe. He tries to draw something every day, and in the margins writes about what he's been up to. It's a format that allows him to show the people he met, the different types of architecture that he saw, the food he ate, and other random things.

Wright's art certainly manages to capture snippets of what he experienced, and I enjoyed the drawing of him exhausted from traveling (after only a few weeks, the amateur!). However, the text is considerably weaker. Some of his lettering is really nice, and I enjoyed the titles that he did, but the longer pieces of text are harder to read.

The text also suffers from it not being a complete account of what happened, so the reader isn't sure of everything that's going on in the trip or why certain things occur. There's also some unfortunate xenophobia and general weirdness stemming from Wright being an American. However, he does at least point out these faults in himself, so it's not that distasteful.

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

more new zines

more new zines

There's a ton of new zines in the distro! doris distro

if you want a story that will make you suspicious of every teenager you meet!" This is the best written zine I've read in awhile. It's Mia's first zine. She wrote it when she was 15. I'm not sure if it's truth or fiction, but it's really good, disturbing, bitter. sex, drugs, getting locked up, the hypocrisy and blindness of adults, and of herself. Not for the light-of-heart or the easily offended.

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself:a series of rants

another great zine by Mia (of Fifteen zine). This one is about being mixed race. Articles about hair, and the lack of representation in the media, dealing with racism and stereotypes, and more. Really good!

Brainscan #26:so what's the deal with you and Microcosm

If you've been wondering what the problems with Microcosm Publishing are, this zine lays out Joe Beils abusive behaviors, failed attempts to hold him accountable, and what can be done about it.

Cometbus #54: in China with Green Day

Aaron goes on tour with Green Day to China! Epic. More than a travel zine. The part I liked best was talking about how selling out is judged, but people just giving up their creative lives and doing nothing really worthwhile is not judged.

Adorn #21

very intense and brave zine about rape, abusive relationships and drug abuse, and becoming sober. There are sweet lists of good things in her life between the painful recollections and despair.

No Better Than Apples #7

really pretty zine, beautiful drawings and layout. I've been missing this kind of zine. a fragmented journey into her life that leaves you wanting to know more. love and tour and unresolved family demons. The helpless feeling of trying to take care of a sick mother. I know this feeling, and how alone I felt in it, how much of a secret it seemed. There is a story in here about visiting one of my all time favorite authors, Kate Millett! There's just so much in this thick little zine.

All Things Ordinary #4

A sweet zine, mostly of letters to people in his family telling them how much they mean to him. It's so nice. I wish we all did this kind of thing more often.

The Apple Pickers Union #2: Tow Chain: A monologue about my Experiences at Camp Trans 2010

Pissed off, funny and intense zine written by Curious Jane, who was an organizer of Camp Trans (outside the Michigans Women's Fest, which is/was a "women born women" space - I think they might have a don't ask don't tell policy now, I can't remember for sure.)
This zine kicks ass! It is partially about a situation that happened at the camp, where a tow truck driver threatened the Camp Trans people with a Tow Chain. I mean scary threatening, and the security at Mich.Fest defended the Tow Truck dude. This zine is a scathing critique of Patriarchy, Second Wave Feminism, and "community".

Friday, April 22, 2011


anybody from ohio or west going to the scranton zine fest? i could use a ride.

Khyber Komix Jam #2

Edited by Kyle

A comics jam is an event where a bunch of people get together and draw collaborative comics. Usually each person draws a panel, and then passes it on to the next person (who in turn passes on the comic they'd been working on). You spend an evening hanging out with other comics artists, and at the end you have a pile of usually bizarre, generally nonsensical comics.

While these are great drawing exercises for the artists, both to get them to actually draw something and to draw within a certain period of time, they results are generally incredibly uneven. You have some participants who try to continue the story started by the previous artists, but others who go for random jokes and non sequiturs.

You also have an incredible variety of art styles, and while a few of the artists here are quite good at drawing something within the allotted time, others are not. My favourite comic had to do with a horrible jelly fish attack, both because jelly fish (or at least the idea of flying ones) terrify me, and because on average I think it has the best art. I guess jelly fish aren't that hard to draw.

Ultimately though, I think the biggest problem is the lettering. I can't even read a bunch of the dialogue! I'd be really interested to hear of any comic jams have used a writer/letterer who would write the dialogue/captions in advance and have the artists draw things to try and match up with that. I don't know if it would work better, but at the least the produced comics would (probably) be more coherent.

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Call for submissions: When Language Runs Dry #4

“Chronic pain is defined as pain that.....

e Showcase #13

Kseniya Yarosh

Oh My / Oh No // $5 + shipping

Kseniya Yarosh posted several Craigslist ads in a genuine attempt to meet new people, the resulting e-mail responses have been made into Oh My / Oh No the zine. Fifty plus pages of correspondence ranging from brief encounters and poignant responses to the hilarious and sometimes worrying contacts made. Kseniyaincludes the original advertisements, which in some cases explains the peculiar responses received; alongside which photographs (sensitively censored) are placed. Oh My / Oh No is an insightful zine into the peculiarities of human communication.


Website // Shop
Mythologising Me #2 // £1.50 + shipping

A 36 page, quarter sized, hand sewn zine covering a period of time in Ingrid's life during 2010. I think this zine is simply wonderful; I think perhaps because I can relate so much to Ingrid and especially these particular moments in her life I found this zine a delight to read. Ingrid covers her job (and the one she lost), turning vegan, discussing travel and drinking in a mix of cut-and-paste, hand written and photocopied techniques.

Dennis Pomales

Website // Shop // Blog
Courtesy Flush // $3.50 + shipping

A collaborative 32 page, (mostly) colour zine by Dennis Pomales and his girlfriend Hildemar Cruz. Colourful yet with a somewhat eerily hallucinatory feel; Courtesy Flush (with its slightly questionable title) features some eccentric and imaginative work.


Tumblr // Shop
Lost Boy #1 // £1.50 + shipping

60 pages of reviews, skateboarding, interviews, illustration and more; Lost Boy #1 is fantastic. It features some immense skateboarding photography alongside music reviews and interesting articles; there is even a little bit of illustration. This is such a well put together project; being a die-hard illustration zine fan, I have to say I am impressed and would definitely encourage anyone to purchase a copy of this high quality zine.

Lauren Doughty

Website // Blog // Tumblr
Dough // on request

Lauren Doughty's work is so uncommonly phenomenal; everything Lauren draws is magic, her illustrations are so extraordinarily individual. Easily the most colourful zine I own, Dough is short, sweet and thoroughly perfect.

One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple. - Jack Kerouac

Made from a vintage dictionary and available to buy at the shop.

Peach Melba Issue 20

By Pearl
PO Box 74

While no longer the youngest zinester I know of, (almost) fourteen-year-old Pearl continues to put out my favourite monthly zine.

Each issue is filled with various typewriter-written lists of seemingly random things that have caught her fancy recently, and they never fail to put a smile on my face.

This issue includes the life cycles of sheep (both male and female), a list of eyewear, "Things you can do because you're wearing a hat" ("signal secretly to a helicopter"), and loads more. What other zine mentions both zlotys and axolotls in the same issue?

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

I Left Blues City

I Left Blues City

I Left Blues City, but the state of misery didn’t leave me

Aside from being handsome as shit Benjamin Weir writes some truly beautiful poems. Harsh with the truthfulness of reality and gorgeously somber. They are the kind of poems that linger after you’ve read them even if you don’t remember the words. I love words that convey a state of mind, the kind that make you feel like the artist was feeling when they wrote them. And even if it isn’t what the artist was feeling when they wrote them it doesn’t matter. Because they made you feel something and through them a connection is established. Benjamin Weirs poems do this for me and I know they will for anyone who picks up this zine. If you’d like to get a hold of this zine you can reach Benjamin at benjaminpweir@gmail.com

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aliens: First Encounter

By G.P. Bonesteel

I really enjoy the format of this zine. It's wide and skinny, and each page is filled with a single panel like the cover (except it's in black and white). It's a neat size, and can be used to tell a story in a suitably "wide screen" style.

The comic itself disappointed me somewhat. There is no plot other than "aliens attack", and honestly, as much as I love that stuff you still need more than that and a few old jokes (yes, yes, everyone hates hippies, but really, X-Files references in a comic released in 2009?) to get me onside.

I think one of my major issues with this comic is that the "wide screen" format isn't used effectively. Instead we get page after page that feature identical panels where very little on the page actually changes. I'm not dissing that style of storytelling, I think it can be very effective, but I think if you're going to use it you need to have a lot of panels and a lot of room. When most (or even half) of an entire page doesn't change for five or six pages I wonder why the creator bothered framing the story that way. Instead, it might have been better if Bonesteel had used a more traditional size and used smaller repetitive panels instead.

The other problem is that isn't even a complete story. The last page tells us that the story is to be continued, but as the "story" so far is an entirely generic space alien invasion with no actual characters, I'm not sure why I'd bother really.

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

Somnambulist Number 16

Somnambulist Number 16

This zine is “all about Oregon” according to the author, but that description doesn’t do the zine justice. The stories are set in Oregon, and one story specifically is about a scenic highway in Oregon, but the zine is a lot like remembering childhood/teenage memories. Some that actually happened and others that Martha created herself. Along with her stories there is some poetry sprinkled in. I’ve always felt that the sign of a good writer is the ability to communicate things without directly communicating them. The precision with which she conveys the ambiance of her stories is what makes this zine stand out. This zine will take you through experiences that were never yours and leave you amazed at how real and vivid something that never happened to you feels.

If you want to get a copy of this zine, and you should definitely want to, you can contact Martha at marthagrover@hotmail.com or at

PO Box 14871
Portland, OR, 97293

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weekly News Round-Up!

Hello again! I hope you’ve all been having a lovely crafty time since we last met. Don’t forget to let us know what you’ve been up to, and send along anything and everything zine-related. No matter how small, we’ll be happy to reply and promote! UK news only, of course.
We’ve listed all the lovely upcoming zine events here too, so you can put the dates in your diary if you haven’t done so already. I’ll be attending most of them, so if you see me, come say hello! I’ll have purple hair and biker boots. :)

Cath x


1. Zine Releases
2. Upcoming Events
3. Submission Calls
4. Zine Reviews
5. AOB (Any Other Business)


1. Zine Releases
- Issue 5 of perzine Sometimes I’m Dreaming was published this week. To get hold of a copy, check out Lisa’s Etsy store: http://sometimesimdreaming.etsy.com
- Not a zine but still a cool crafty thing worth sharing: Girls Get Busy zine have released their first ever Chixtape featuring girl bands Slutever, Wett Nurse, Sparkleshit, Chemical Peel and more. Hand-made with love. Only 50 available, so grab ‘em while you can. http://girlsgetbusyzine.bigcartel.com

2. Upcoming Events
- London Zine Symposium: 17th April
- Victoria Baths Fanzine Convention (Manchester): 14th May
- Nottingham Zine Fair: 28th May
- Ladyfest Essex: 11th June
- Birmingham Zine Festival: 9th July

3. Submission Calls
- Charlotte Lee is looking for submissions for issue #4 of her comp-zine, Bitch Theme! The theme is girl hate/girl love. If you want to submit something, please email charlotteleeukATyahooDOTcom. More info can be found on Charlotte’s tumblr here.

4. Zine Reviews
- Did you read my zine reviews I posted last week? No? Go take a look then! Don’t forget that if you want your zine to be reviewed on this blog, you can email us a request. There’s more info on our review policy page.

5. A.O.B.
- The Dylan Thomas Prize for young writers is currently looking for submissions for its 2011 competition. There’s a whopping £30,000 cash prize and an excellent launch-pad into a literary career available for the lucky winner. To find out more about how to enter, take a look at their website:
- Remember we mentioned EGAKU in our last news post? Well, the event went ahead last weekend, and they raised a cracking £1700 for Red Cross Japan! How great is that? Due to the success of the event, another zine sale will be taking place soon. For more info on how to get involved, visit www.egaku.org.uk
- Marching Stars distro was updated yesterday. Lizzy will be tabling at London Zine Symposium; if anyone wants to reserve zines to pick up at LZS, you can email her at distroATmarchingstars.co.uk by Friday 15th April.


We also wanted to remind you that we’re still looking to trade links. This process is underway, as you can see from our lovely new sidebar. If you’re interested, drop us a line.

Weekly News Round-Up!

We have a few lovely bits of news to share with you this week - sorry there isn't more to share at the moment!

1. Zine Event: EGAKU -zine/art fair for Japan
"I'm Peter part of the zine symposium crew and separate to this years event on the 2nd and 3rd of April me and some friends are organising EGAKU - a zine/print/art/etc fair at Jaguarshoes in Shoreditch to raise money for the thousands of people effected by the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We are trying to get as much donated work as possible to sell at the event and raise as much money as possible. We have a lot of create creative people involved including NoBrow, Okido, Laura Carlin, Jean Jullien, Anorak Magazine and lots more flowing in. We are asking if any of you would donate any zines, prints, bags, books - anything. 100% of the money we make from this event will be donated to Japan. EGAKU means "draw" and "imagine " in Japanese. we hope that we can support Japanese people EGAKU ( imagine) peaceful future by EGAKU (draw)."

For more info on how to submit your work, you can contact Peter at deadtreesanddyeAThotmailDOTcom.

2. Submission Call: Library Love Zine!
Jane is putting together a compilation zine on the theme of library love, and is requesting submissions of any length about why you love libraries, childhood memories of libraries, how libraries have affected your life, or how great your library branch is. The aim of the zine is to present a broad range of reasons why libraries are amazing places and so valuable to everyone, and to stop ill-advised library cuts all over the UK, which now stand at around 600. Submissions must be sent in ASAP, as the 'zine is in progress already and Ian is aiming to publish it in time for the London Zine Symposium (April 17th). For more info or to submit something, you can contact Ian at librariesforsocietyATgmailDOTcom.

3. Submission Call: Girls Rock! UK zine
The London Girls Rock Camp to be held in summer 2011 is hoping to put together a zine ahead of the event. If you've attended, volunteered at or otherwise been involved in a Girls Rock Camp in the past, organiser Kate would love to have your contribution! If you can think of anything related to the theme of teaching and learning music with girls and women you'd like to write, please get in touch. You can visit the Facebook page of Girls Rock! UK for more general information on the project here.

4. Looking for British penpals?
A thread has popped up on We Make Zines dedicated to finding pen pals, started by a British zinester (who Cath writes to regularly, oddly enough!). Are you British and interested in finding a new penpal? Join the conversation here!

We're still figuring out how best to get (and keep) this blog up and running; and as news has been a wee bit slow recently we're going to start posting news round-ups fortnightly rather than weekly (until such a time as we have more news to report). Please continue to send us any news you have and spread the word amongst your zine friends!


(originally written by Hannah, edited by Cath)

I See the World in Hipstervision

By Elliot Baggott

Hipsters get a bad rap. I mean, there are songs about how they are stupid. This becomes all the more ridiculous when you consider that almost nobody describes themselves as a hipster, and in fact few people can even describe the term (leading to this comic, which I think explains the concept quite well).

So I was a little excited by this, as I thought it might be someone trying to reclaim the term (ironically of course), or some sort of comic poking fun at hipsters.

It's neither, instead it is (as the subtitle says) a collection of sketches. Some of the people look kind of hipstery, others just look like normal people (though I'm not really sure if the elf is based on a real person or just imagination). The art mostly shows people with haircuts and some girls that seem pretty cute, though the ones I liked best where the drawings of buildings. Yay architecture!

Really though, these sketches just have nothing on sketches done by other people. (Yes, that is me.)

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)


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