Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Welcome to Nursing HELLo #1

Welcome to Nursing HELLo #1
40 pages, digest
$4 from Microcosm
Mini-comic ~ Joel is a male nurse married to another male nurse, living in CA. Everything about this screams cliche', right down to the juvenile drawing and barely audible sarcasm and cattiness. But it works. This is the perfect venue for Joel to tell this bunch of stories. Very engaging and enjoyable. I can't tell if he's really, really clever or just got lucky. Job hopping, Madonna, catheters, foleys, blood, cats, brain on a string, needles, drugs, more Madonna, and an effective cliffhanger.
Tommorow the Zines (and radical books) from lots of really amazing tablers
will available at the Festival of Anarchy! Also, we are organizing a Zine
reading session at 12 (noon) on Saturday so bring your friends and have a
listen, or even read for us. Right now there are about 15 vendors, mostly
from Alberta. Hope to see you there!
oh, and there will be plenty of hot coffee and tea for all to enjoy while
perusing the Zine Library. We have some new zines donated from the
Haymarket Cafe.
Tabling/Zine Library times:
*12 noon to 6 pm Saturday May 28th, 2011*
*12 noon to 4pm Sunday May 29th, 2011*
*Old Y Centre (223 12 ave SW) in Calgary Alberta.*
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Zine Reviews: May ‘11 (London Zine Symposium edition)
Zine Reviews: May ‘11 (London Zine Symposium edition)
Anonymous, England - virginzineATgmailDOTcom
The first issue of Virgin, published in summer 2009, was written by one anonymous girl about her own experiences of being a virgin. This issue, finally published last month, is “the submissions issue”, made up of other people’s stories instead of the author/editor’s own. The submissions cover topics of disability, fear of intimacy, virginity as a burden rather than a blessing, asexuality, lesbianism, sexual abuse, self-worth and virginity as an exclusive heterosexual concept. As well as these submissions, the author/editor writes about the overwhelmingly positive feedback she got about the first issue, and the way the issues of asexuality and choice were misinterpreted in her original issue. The zine is half-sized, with clean layouts. For a mere 75p, I highly recommend picking up a copy of this zine, as it’s a really thought-provoking read. Available to buy from Marching Stars distro.
Massive love for this zine. Tukru’s drawings have featured briefly in her previous zines, but I’m Drawing a Blank is her first solo comic zine, filled with lots of hand drawings and Tukru’s beautiful handwriting. As well as some self-portraits and accompanying text explaining the picture (e.g. kick-ass Tukru holding a rifle, informing us that she is the same height as Rambo), there are also drawings of Emma Jane Falconer, Amber Forrester, Buffy, Eric Northman, Kurt Cobain, and her partner Carl. The writing has a very similar feel to the writing of Your Pretty Face…, very stream-of-consciousness. Get your hands on a copy, it’s Tukru so you know it’ll be really great. And only £1! Brilliant!
Cambridge – angry.violistATyahooDOTcom
London –
This is being included for its sheer usefulness. It’s a free zine on how to deal with getting arrested – what happens when you get arrested, contacting a solicitor, being interviewed, police tactics to force out a confession, and what to do if a friend or relative is arrested. Very useful; I’m glad I picked it up. I mean, I hope I don’t get arrested anytime soon, but you never know. Download your free copy here.
Emma, Kent - emmajanefalconerATgmailDOTcom
Kathleen, Leeds – iloveavocadoAThotmailDOTcom
Natalie, Edinburgh - out-of-the-city-and-into-the-treesATriseupDOTnet
Profiting from Occupation: UK and International Companies Complicit in Israeli War Crimes against Palestinians – distributed by Corporate Watch. Scary stuff.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Witch Kunt #7
Witch Kunt #7
2 A3 pages folded into digest size, $?, by Gene Symptoms - witchkunt[at]
[Big thanks to Monty Rubera for sending me a package of zines from his distro (info on that coming soon, I hope) - this is one of 'em.]
With a name like that, I would be surprised if the zine wasn't any good. (I wasn't surprised.)
The poems in here are pretty good. A pleasant surprise! Here's my favourite:
On the minus side: Where the fuck is the real physical ordering address for this zine? Too many zines these days only have a goddam email address. You have a paper zine - get an address for paper mail.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
E.T. Zine Distro
Hey! Check out Monty Rubera's E.T. Zine Distro. Some good stuff available there, all in the one place, you lucky devils!
[Monty's the dude who makes the excellent noisemusic zine I'm One Of An Odd Family which I reviewed here and here.]
Preorder The Doris Encyclopedia!
Preorder The Doris Encyclopedia!
Spread the word!
thanks so much!!!
It's scheduled to be printed by the end of July!!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Romp #1
Romp #1
40 pages, digest size, $5.00, by Aaron Lange, 1524 N. Palethorp St., Philadelphia PA 19122, USA + aaronlange13[at] +
Just when you think you know porno comix, along comes a porno comic to blow your mind and make you realise you don't know fuckin' shit.
I was completely unaware of Aaron Lange until Dexter Cockburn very kindly sent me the first two issues of Aaron's Romp comix. Romp #1 contains some of the most unique and twisted comix I've ever seen. Examples: brother and sister incest as a political message; two career girl pals, one with a complexion problem which the other solves with her (raspberry vodka-flavoured) urine; Adolf Hitler's pussy art; Pop Rocks used as sex aid; and recurring character Hesh's frustration at waking prematurely: "I can't believe I woke up during the best dream ever! Sex on top of a unicorn! Not even video games offer such delights!"
There's so much more in here and it's all great. Smutty, provocative, intelligent, witty, and all drawn in an awesome, retro style. Greatness.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Anti-Civ Dictums
Anti-Civ Dictums
28 pages, digest size, $1.00 or trade, from Sid Clark, PO Box 32, Morgantown WV 26507, USA + sidclark1953(at)
This is a "fire-breathing, crazy-old-man, radical pamphlet," as Sid wrote in his note to me. Well, if that's the case then the world needs more fire-breathing, crazy old men because this was one of the more enjoyable zines I've had the pleasure of reading lately.
As the title suggests, this zine is targeted at cities and their malevolent effects, "City living is forced and unnatural. It exacts a heavy mental and physical toll." Formal education is also attacked: "Education is primarily a form of social control; the more educated you are, the more controlled your are."
Sid's thoughts/advice/rants also cover Friends and Family, Children, Adulthood, Science and Technology, Leftists, Strength & Healing, and a chapter titled 'Paths of Glory' explores alternatives to The System's monopoly on life paths. Some popular life-path alternatives are examined: Hippies, Punks, Jocks, Nerds, and Rednecks.
There's a section of Homilies, here's a handful of these - 'The more you love the system, the sicker you are'; 'To live fully you must be active, physical, down-and-dirty'; 'Only comic fanboys believe in violent rebellion'; 'All systems are sick. A misfit is the only way to be.'
Sid wraps it up with a 'Further Reading' list, split into Non-Fiction, First Person Narratives, Novels, Essays/Pamphlets, and Zines. It sure was a surprise to see Samuel Delany's Hogg included here (one of the most perverse novels ever written, even compared to such works as J.G. Ballard's Crash.) I'm going to make sure to track down the publications on this reading list.
Also mustn't forget to mention the terrific cover by Dr. Al Ackerman, The Blaster.
I can't recommend Anti-Civ Dictums highly enough to freethinking readers, those who value the 'eccentric crazies' dismissed by the sheeple of the world.
Friday, May 20, 2011
News Round-Up! from Spill The Zines!
News Round-Up!
It's my turn to do an update, and I'm not as organised as Cath so please bear with me... I'll get the ball rolling with a few pieces of news - enjoy :)
Hannah x
P.S. Please keep sending us your zine-related news to so that we can spread the word of your creativity and fun events!
1. Zine Releases
2. Upcoming Events
3. Zine Reviews
4. AOB (Any Other Business)
1. Zine Releases
* Issue #4 of Angry Violist has been published, all about experimental and alternative string playing. This issue includes a Krautrock Krautmap and an interview with The Raincoats violinist Vicki Aspinall. Find out more at
2. Upcoming Events
* Nottingham Zine Fair: 28th May
* Alternative Press Fair (London): 28th - 29th May
* Ladyfest Essex: 11th June
* Zine Fest @ The Women’s Library (London): 25th June
* Birmingham Zine Festival: 9th July
3. Zine Reviews
* I updated my zine blog with reviews last week and early today; you can read the posts here and here.
* It's a couple of months ago now, but Fliss posted some zine reviews at her blog in March and I feel they deserve a mention. Please go here to read them.
* Sophie has written a new zine review post over at her blog, Oh My Clumsy Heart, here.
4. AOB
* Camden Zinefest now has its very own website! Will also have a confirmed date and location, so all that's needed now is volunteers. A couple of generous people have stepped forward already and offered their time on the day, but any others who are willing to step forward will be very, very much appreciated, especially if they're willing to help with planning things in advance. For more info, check out the website or get in touch with Will.
(post originally written by Hannah, edited a teeny bit by Cath)
This may be old news, but still worth mentioning: Operation Phoenix Records has been maintaining a growing PDF archive of punk zines, including old issues of Flipside, Maximum RocknRoll, Jersey Beat, Suburban Voice and many others. ...
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Culture Slut #24 / Motor City Kitty #16 / Fanzine Ynfytyn #10 / Sometimes I’m Dreaming #5
Culture Slut #24 / Motor City Kitty #16 / Fanzine Ynfytyn #10 / Sometimes I’m Dreaming #5
Culture Slut #24 / Motor City Kitty #16
By Amber (Canada) (CS) / Bri (USA) (MCK)
Another awesome split zine! I do love it when talented zinesters team up together, it’s like finding out your favourite chocolate bar is on a buy one get one free offer (as happened to me this week) Culture Slut #24 has a lovely hand-illustrated cover starring Amber herself and stylised into a Polaroid frame and this cute first impression continues into the visual layout of the rest of the zine. Illustrations, collages and photographs grace its pages, and the text (type- and computer- written, always clear) is in Amber’s considered, descriptive and inspiringly forthright style. She talks about her dislike at having her work re-published without her permission in Teal Triggs’ recent book (you can read this post for my thoughts on the matter) and how it triggered Amber to reflect on her zine-writing. As a result of this, amongst other reasons, Amber says that she has decided Culture Slut will most likely be an annual zine from here on. Whilst disappointed that there will not be as many regular releases of Culture Slut (since it is one of my favourite zines) I wholeheartedly respect Amber’s decision and the reasons behind it. She also writes about activities she has been undertaking to survive the winter, including learning to screenprint and having lots of orgasms! There is writing on feminism here too, specifically about the role of men within feminism; and at the back you’ll find some zine reviews which should come with a “Temptation Warning” as you'll no doubt be left wanting to place some orders!
Motor City Kitty #16 compliments Culture Slut #24 beautifully, and in it Bri has considered many of the same topics. These include feminism, in this case how infuriating it is to have to defend feminist views to those who like to proclaim feminist beliefs as (for example) “man-hating”, only for the other person to then claim they were just “enquiring” – hear, hear! Bri also shares reflection on zines and how she doesn’t expect to produce new issues as frequently as she has in the past, although of course still loves them. I appreciated both Bri and Amber’s critical thoughts on zines in this split issue, as, as Ani DiFranco once said: “we have to be able to criticise what we love, say what we have to say, cos if you’re not trying to make something better then as far as I can tell you are just in the way” (What If No-One’s Watching). My two favourite things in Motor City Kitty #16 however were the gorgeous cartoon on page 5 (such a cute drawing style!) and Bri’s story of performing in a Bikini Kill cover band – a very inspiring story, and as with the rest of this zine, cleverly laid out and visually satisfying.
Fanzine Ynfytyn #10
By Emma (UK)
Yes, I know I reviewed another issue of this zine in my last post, but Emma kindly sent me a large selection of them and they’re all good, so now it’s Fanzine Ynfytyn #10’s chance to shine. This is a travel issue, all about Emma’s trip to Ireland with a ten piece country band, Dolly and the Clothespegs (Emma accompanied them as photographer/cook). The zine reads like a diary, recalling the best times (successful gigs and beach frolics) and those where things were less than ideal (waiting at grim towns for travel connections and feeling irritable after not getting enough sleep). She also tells the reader about Ireland and Irish culture in general – nobody says “top o’ the morning yo ye” anymore and “everyone isn’t walking around being some kind of colourful red-haired alcoholic chancer” (shame). The layout of this issue of Fanzine Ynfytyn is more simple than that of some others, but it’s still visually pleasing and there are lots of photographs to accompany the text and provide names to faces (I always love this in zines as I am nosy!).
Sometimes I’m Dreaming #5
By Lisa (UK)
Lisa’s first full-length zine since Sometimes I’m Dreaming #4 ½ / Not Lonely #5 ½ in February finds her living uncomfortably with her family, which she writes about with characteristic honesty and delicacy. She describes the sorrow of losing a favourite tree in the garden and feeling unwelcome in her own home with dignity and elegance, and only those with hearts of stone would be left unaffected by it. Lisa also discusses the Enneagram theory of personality types, both in terms of how the apply to her own character and in general – it certainly piqued my interest and I plan to read the books she recommended on the topic soon. Sometimes I’m Dreaming #5 also looks forward to the future, as Lisa articulates her plans for escape and her hopes and fears for getting a job. This zine is an introspective read, but not depressing – Lisa also shares her enthusiasm for her new camera and talks about hobbies she has been enjoying lately. I have always loved Lisa’s visual style and zine layouts and this issue is the most beautiful yet – combining collage, hand-drawn illustrations, pretty backgrounds and rubberstamps to showcase her whimsy and artistic eye. One of my favourite zines of 2011 thus far (and I promise you I’m not just saying that because Lisa is one of my best friends).
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Robots Are People Too #5
Robots Are People Too #5
6 pages, A4 size, available for trade or IRC or nice letter from Yves Albrechts, Postbus 100, 2000 Antwerpen 1, BELGIUM
Here's another issue of Kapreles's newsletter-type zine (it's stapled in the top left-hand corner), full of his unique art and humour.
Inside, a bunch of drawings and gags, news about his new book Ninja Sushi; also, he found out there's a comic book called Robots Are People Too, then goes on to mention other publications that share the same name. One of them, namely Fuck, which some of us older zine motherfuckers know of as being a zine published by Dr Randall Phillip, but nowadays that name has been taken by a poetry zine (I've seen it reviewed in Xerography Debt and Zine World).
Anyway, this is a pretty cool thing to receive in the mail, but it would be even cooler if Kapreles used actual postage stamps. Come on, dude, let's see what sort of stamps Belgium comes up with, eh?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Zine Showcase #15: The Great Zine Giveaway Edition
Zine Showcase #15: The Great Zine Giveaway Edition
Weeks ago I won a zine giveaway on Tea & Chickadees blog and shamefully have not found the time to post about it until now. I was ecstatic to have won so today's Zine Showcase is dedicated to five out of the twelve zines I received.
Amanda Dale
I Love Poor Spelling & Bad Grammar // Currently unavailable
Well I don't. Poor spelling and bad grammar causes me to seethe with rage and promptly correct the mistakes verbally or (to the horror of those around me) with the nearest pen to hand. When the most basic rules of grammar are quite simple to grasp and being unsure how to spell a particular word is easily remedied by the ever ready spell-check; leaving glaring errors is incomprehensible. Typos I can deal with, uncorrected mistakes are unforgivable.
Zombies: The Zine
Brilliant! Zombies, pop icons and historical figures combined to make Zombies: The Zine. I am a true lover of classic zombie films so this zine is simply perfect for my collection. Unfortunately there are absolutely no details to say who made it or where it might have come from.
David Gassaway
Website // Shop
Loneliness: A Colouring Book // $8.00 + shipping
Nine beautiful illustrations depicting loneliness, solitude and despair. Hand-bound with a colour cover and drawings for you to colour in (although why would you? They're perfect just the way they are) Loneliness: A Colouring Book is utterly divine. With a fantastically original illustration style, David Gassaway has produced a beautifully haunting zine.
Nathan Carter
Website // Shop // Tumblr
Will You Marry Me.. Kidding Pools & Whiskey Sours // $1 + shipping
Will You Marry Me.. is a quarter- (unfolding into A4) sized zine, black and white printed on gorgeous teal coloured paper. This issue features gardening, slugs and allergies. Having only recently purchased Sasquatch and the internet editions, I am a follower of Nathan Carter's Will You Marry Me.. series and thrilled to have another of his zines to add to my collection. The individual editions read like snippets of diary entries accompanied by wonderfully sketchy illustrations.
Colleen Mckeown and Christopher Postill
Website // Shop
EZ Grocery & Video // $8.00 + shipping
More a comic book than a zine, EZ Grocery & Video breaks itself down into individual comics/zines which, in turn, builds up to a complete graphic novel. The narrative revolves around characters living in a West End Toronto street and deals with community living. 26 pages of fabulously put together black and white content featuring a gloriously emotive story.
South Paw: More Than Likely by Kristilyn
Bird Wizards #2 by Joycer
Liquorice #5 by NJ Streeten and Sally Plowman
Sho Ga Nai by Heather Bryant
Please Keep Sharing by Nathan Carter
Food Stamps Foodie #1 by Milkyboots
Wants (Is that so much to ask for?) by Skylaar Amann
Monday, May 16, 2011
Seven Inches To Freedom #8
Seven Inches To Freedom #8
48 pages, digest size, $1.00, edited by Joe Lachut, PO Box 457, Ft. Myers FL 33902-0457, USA + hiszeroisgone(at) +
[Thanks to Jason Rodgers's review in Media Junky #14 for hipping me to this one.]
I mainly got this for the 'Zines vs. Blogs' piece, but immediately discovered that this issue is chock full of kick-fucking-ass content. This motherfucker is LOADED, baby.
First up, an almost-full-page letter from Jason Rodgers on the State of Hardcore.
Next up some columns, the first being by Bob Suren, who's had a few idea fragments floating around his head for a while. Here's the first of three: "What is it about punk rock/hardcore/underground music in general that attracts polar opposites? ... How is it that people as bright, creative and charismatic as Ian MacKaye, Jello Biafra and Steve Ignorant are part of the same thing as a drunken, lazy, panhandling, glue-sniffing gutter rat named Booger?"
Krystina's column covers themes such as why thrash metal isn't dangerous anymore, and is it asking too much for women to be more accepted in the metal scene in this day and age.
Then editor Joe writes about growing up and doing 'adult things' like buying a house, yet still having punk attitude, but being cool with domestication, then admitting that he seems to be working his way, happily, to how he hoped he would end up: "that old guy with the faded ASSUCK shirt that you see at the grocery store."
'The Death Of The Music Industry (Awesome)' by Scott Bentz is reprinted from Scott's Grand Rapids Is Screaming site [ ]. A savage, provocative and no-holds-barred assessment of the music industry, it ends with this advice: "The moral of the story is to keep stealing music. Don't even consider buying anything from a major label. It might be a great song but it's on the web for free. Go out there and do your part to finally dismantle the worst thing that ever happened to music. Strangle it, beat it, crush it, burn it, bury it and piss on its grave. And in celebration go to a small club and watch someone who loves what they do play to people who want to hear something."
Visaci Zamek, in a regular 'My First Record' feature, writes about the very first punk record in the Czech Republic and all the struggles punks, cut off from the outside world, under strict government supervision, had to endure.
The highlight of the issue for me is the 13-page 'Zines vs. Blogs' piece. Joe interviewed three blog makers and three zine writers, asking them all the same four questions (plus one more aimed specifically at them). Why/when did you decide to start your zine/blog? Favourite/least favourite thing about doing a zine/blog? Do you read blogs/zines? How do you feel about blogs? Would you ever consider putting your blog to paper? How do zines and blogs co-exist in 2010? Is the blog format replacing the zine? Interviewees: Kevin McCaughey - Fashionable Activism blog; Tom Mayhugh - Evil Minded zine; Travis Fristoe - America? zine; Christopher Sommer - Sacred Text blog; Adam - ICOULDDIETOMORROW blog; and Evan Dawson - Irradiated Corpse zine.
Joe is completely obsessed with a band called Rupture (for example their Cunt of God album [Rhetoric, 1998] - "...Killer, evil hardcore violence like you've never heard before. Buzzy, chaotic & fucking disturbing...") He wrote about them in his last issue but found out a bunch more info which he includes in this issue. (OK, of course I really want to check this band out now, but what I thought were my mad capable internet searching skillz are not turning up shit on these guys. How the fuck do I get a copy of this album then?)
There's also a Deathrats (Washington DC) interview, 'The Politics of Becoming Jaded', and rekkid, cd, and zine reviews.
Seven Inches To Freedom is so fucking great, it should be required reading for any snot-nosed junior burger punk brats revving themselves up to make their own punk zine.
Hardcore bitchin' awesome squared times infinity.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Digitface #1
Digitface #1

Digitface #1
This is a quick little zine from the mind of comedian Matt Baker. It has comics, million dollar ideas, an interview with poet Denise Jolly, and some graffiti photos. Matt is a very talented and funny person who always has his hands in all kinds of creative pots, this is but one of those many pots. Check out the website version at and better yet send him some photos of your fingers with drawings of faces on them.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Rigor Mortis #4
Rigor Mortis #4 is now out.
Monkey Squad One
Monkey Squad One

Monkey Squad One
Annual #1
By Doug Michel
This is the culmination of the first six issues of Monkey Squad One. A hell of a lot of work must have went into the making of this comic. There is so much happening and so much detail on every page. It really is amazing. Monkey Squad One is a light-hearted and funny comic about a group of seemingly innocuous youngsters whose home base is in a tree house that are on a never-ending mission to kick some super-villain ass. Doug, the artist behind this zine, has an obviously active imagination, and speaking from an educator’s perspective, was probably hell to have in class. This is an excellent introduction into that imagination and a great example of one artist’s dedication to his craft.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ab #11
Ab #11

AB #11 January 2011
$2 c/o Lisa Ahne
POB 181
Alsea, OR 97324
If you have ever read Dwelling Portably then you will recognize the format and style of AB immediately. I think it’s done by some of the same people, but I’m not sure because there wasn’t a name associated with the letter that came with it. Anyway, if you have never read this type of zine before it’s kind of hard to figure out what’s going on at first. There are no introductions or explanations , just pure information, ideas, and how-to’s focused on living a semi-nomadic and government free life on 21st Century Earth. The information contained within this zine is pretty amazing. What fascinates me most about zines like this is the complete disconnect from any emotional meandering or analysis in the writing, it is intended to provide the reader with information on this type of lifestyle and that’s it. As a curious post-romantic (kidding) I always want to know more about the people writing it, like what their day to day routines look like and what the pros and cons of living nomadically in modern America are. But I suppose that’s the point, the less we know about the people writing it, the easier it is for those people to keep living that type of life: If I really wanted to know what it’s like, then I should get out there and try it for myself. This issue is heavily focused on how to build boats that you can live on. It also has some zine reviews, how to survive without much money, how to avoid being hassled by authorities, some healthy eating tips, and random nomad advice from the people who are actually doing it.