zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First World Youth Culture Problems To Be Addressed Volume 5

from Blackguard

[28 pages, digest size, $2.00, Nick Burns, firstworldyouthproblems (at) gmail.com ]
During one of the few times at the zine fair last Sunday when I took a break from Blackguard *power selling* and walked around checking out other zines, I walked past this wild-looking guy's table, so I had to stop and say hello and find out what he was up to, zine-wise. His table was pretty wild too, totally covered with zines. That was one of the things I said to him, "Holy shit, it looks like you've got half a million zines here!" He said, "Nope! Just seven zines, but they're all folded out to different pages so people can check 'em out better!" Then he started telling me about his zine (since I asked about it) but it was hard to follow since he was talking so fast. He was manic. I liked him immediately. I told him I wrote zine reviews so he gave me a whole bunch, in fact the first five issues of his zine, First World Youth Culture Problems To Be Addressed.
I only had to read this zine for ten seconds before I knew what this zine was: 100% BITCHIN' AWESOME. Articles like 'How 2 Make A Zine' and 'Things You Can Do On The Internet' are funny and informative at the same time. 'How The World Works' offers a penetrating insight into not only our modern world, but the author's complex worldview.
There's no question that The Youth are more powerful and influential than at any time in history (except maybe for the Ancient Egyptians and Romans, who could rule the world as early as age 10), so this excellent zine is perfect for us consigned-to-the-archives, washed-up, burnt-out, over-the-hill has-beens (that is, anybody over 25).
[More reviews of FWYCPTBA soon.]

1 comment:

  1. Fucking love this guys work! It's like the most unpretentious thing I have ever read. I love it and if I met him one day, I think I would have to marry him...


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