Sent to you by Jack via Google Reader:
Hello all you cartooning cats,
it's time for our regular Thursday night comic jam at the
Church St. Café, (These jams run the Second and Last Thursday of every
month and are easy to get to from public transportation.)
We would like to welcome all the great new folks who found out about
us at Zinefest 2009. Romy did an excellent job of promoting.
The Jam runs from 6:30 on August 27th and all artist are invited to
attend. So bring your favorite drawing tools and come on down and draw
a spell.
Description: The San Francisco cell of the International Cartoonist
Conspiracy meets twice a month from on the second and last Thursday of
the month from 6:30-10PM
location: Church St. Cafe. 260 Church Street San Francisco, CA 9411
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- Subscribe to CONSPIRE! using Google Reader
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