zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Onsmith, Jeremi


via Optical Sloth by admin on 2/15/10


Claptrap #1

Three cheers for Jeremi getting his own book! Yes, I'm biased, so move along if you're looking for me to bash this. OK, I will say one thing: put out a comic with a continuing story, not a sketchbook! Still, as far as sketchbooks go, this one is pretty good. Lots of one page gag strips, mostly funny, and I'm always happy just to see the range of characters he can throw together. I should also put up the link to Mike Stiehl's page here, as most of Jeremi's other work can be seen in Bomb Time For Bonzo. It sounds like he's getting to work on another mini, so here's hoping it's done in time for the next big convention. Still, this book looks great for a buck. I love the detail he puts into faces. Check out the website or send him an e-mail, why don't you.

Baka Geta (with Ryoko Oguchi) Now Available! $1

In case you were wondering, that cover is almost exactly the real size of the comic. Oh, and the title means either "Nonsense" or "Stupid Sandals". Useful information all over the place today! This is a comic about Jeremi's first trip to Japan with his girlfriend. It's basically a collection of images and impressions that he got from the trip, with pages dedicated to the many insane cartoon characters and advertising mascots that are all over the place. I should also mention that Ryoko's drawings are adorable. Adorable, I tell you! No strictly linear story here, but a nice assemblage of impressions from a fascinating place. Contact info is up there, I'm sure he has more samples if you need convincing…

Arrows Bring Comfort (with John Hankiewicz) Now Available in blue or green cover! $2

I can't seem to get John Hankiewicz to link up there, so here you go. Jeremi and John both did half of this book, which is an alphabet book, meaning that it goes through the letters and has a picture for each one. Simple enough, right? I had fun trying to figure out who drew what, until I figured out the very, very simple way that they split up their duties. Did I mention that I'm a doofus? Good. Anyway, good stuff. This gives them both a chance to show off a bit with things that they don't usually get to draw, which is always good. It's $2, you can order a copy from the website above, and it also has a fancy blue cover, if you're in that kind of a mood.

Gag-Hag Now Available! $4

This reviewing thing is, at times, the easiest thing in the world. Dan Zettwoch, Ivan Brunetti, John Hankiewicz, Jeremi Onsmith, Chris Cilla, Ted May, David King, Bryce Somerville and Johnny Ryan contributed to this collection of one-panel gag strips. So what you have here is some of the funniest people around and probably the best title for a collection of this type imaginable. What, you're still reading this? OK, I'll also mention that I had a really hard time just picking one sample, but I'm trying not to give too much away for free here. It's $4, as you can see, and it's available here, as you can see. What's stopping you? Don't you like to laugh?

The Rouge Knuckle Gang

Every time I review one of these sketchbook-type books, I mention that there's not much to be said about them. Well, it's still true, but bear with me for a minute, as this isn't exactly a sketchbook. It's a gang of absolutely ridiculous characters in poses. I sampled my personal favorite, but there's plenty of great characters in here. It's either $1 or $2, which isn't much for a comic with no story, but maybe you're more of a visual person, in which case this comic is just about perfect. Contact info is up there!


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