zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Zeen Review: The Coke Machine


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THE COKE MACHINE #S 1& 2 by Ellis Dolan

This is a fiction zeen. Thinking about others finds me with very few comparable ones. I've read some short stories as stand alone zeens, or mixed up with autobio in Vanessa Berry's 'I Am A Camera'. 'The Coke Machine' is an ongoing story though, & I don't think I've seen anyone attempt this with a zeen. So each issue is an installment in a larger work. I've seen comics attempt this loads of times though, but all we see in these pages is B & W text. The story, so far, has a bunch of high school kids stuck in a warehouse overnight with nothing better to do than caffienate themselves on bubbly sugar water they've got in large supply. We read things from various points of view of the characters, it's all rather 'Breakfast Club'. But the "to be continued" status @ the end of each issue , while cliché & expected in a standard comic, is uncommon in zeen form & it pulls it toward something more collectible in our search for closure. A5 portrait format, staple bound, contact mooncomix at hotmail dot com


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