via Happiness is a Warm Simon Gray on 12/6/09
PICTURES & FACTS ABOUT FOXES & FINCHES by Nicholas Moran, Sarah McNeil, Imogen & Dave
At the time of writing The Format Zeen Shop is playing host to an art show featuring work by what I can tell so far, Nicholas Moran. I'd dug his finch art @ the 'Big' exhibition in winter (2009) & have found some similar looking finches currently gracing the shop walls, as well as some similarly put together foxes. Previously I'd read & reviewed 'Archibald, Henrietta & the Dirigibles' by Nick & Imogen, like this zeen I'd picked it up just 'cause I dug Nick's art. That carried a narrative along w/ the art but could've been a bit better, lacking some balance between art & text. There's also another zeen featuring some of Nick's art put together by a similar gang, 'Poems & Facts About Bicycles, Ballerinas & Wasps' which I haven't read but presumably features poetry to instead of the narrative. & Now I have a zeen of strictly facts & art by this gang. Nick's in-print art I don't enjoy as much as his larger full colour wall pieces. However art in here is also by Sarah McNeil & it translates to print a lot better than Nick's. It's almost all pictures of animals & there are also the facts; latin names, common markings, habitat & behaviour. While the paper quality is improving in this new zeen, the content I found less enjoyable than the narrative zeen, flawed as that one was. & They're all brief small (A6) zeens. I'd like to see something w/ more bulk, something more substantial to justify the increasing price (from $3 - $5 & a similar zeen called 'Lines on Paper & Other Things' edited & featuring Sarah, but not Nick for $10). Portrait format, B&W guts w/ colour paper, & colour card skin, bound w/ thread. or
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