zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Zines from the Craftster Swap


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via Croq Zine - The Blog by Croq on 6/2/09

I took part in a recent Craftster zine swap, and have received so many high-quality zines, many by first-time zinesters. It makes me proud of all of them. I should also tell you if you are even the teeniest bit interested in writing a zine, you totally should!!

Disco Queen Highness "Bad Mommy" - a zine on those "bad mommy" moments you've either been on the giving or receiving end of. Contains a lot of favorite recipes and some activities, along with two "instant activities" enclosed.

Lmcbride "Born into Color" (I haven't read this one yet, so apologies for lack of commentary!)

Also got poppyache's zine "A Library of Fascinating Facts and carefully researched stuff." (Apologies again, I plan on enjoying this after I blog about it)

Here's EdelC's zine "Edel" I got a few weeks ago. It's completely beautiful, and full of unique touches like a one-of-a-kind inchie, and pretty tabs sewn into the front & back covers.

Some more of my favorite details about it: She gives you an "Intermission" inside that lets you go take a break, get a drink and make popcorn. Reminds me of the affirmative nature of SARK's books.

And these cool tabs were sewn into the front & back covers. So neat!

Here's "My Nonexistent Teenage Rebellion" by Natalie Brown, which is a great zine with four or five fractured fairy tales in it - very creative and well-written!

As far as I know, none of these are available for sale, but let me know if you are interested and I will talk to the authors for you!


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