Sent to you by Jack via Google Reader:
A Single Thought, a zine by Gracia Haby.
A 10.5 X 15cm, 24 page colour and B&W zine with a cream cover and robin-red card spine, with a cardboard backing. Featuring Chinese opera masks and the gathered and supposed thoughts of twenty-four somewhat unlikely characters. A taste... 'Is this the way to the fish market?' 'In the short compass of this morning it has been shown that I am a night owl by nature.' 'Pondering minimum bribe level, I realize it is probably a coffee.' 'Often I sit dreaming of the sea.' 'I sing like a bird.' 'I am half-inclined to agree with you.' All zines are wrapped in an envelope with cardboard insert to ensure arrival of a smooth zine to your door. Zine proportions: 10.5 cm
X 15 cm. {Please note: price shown in Australian dollars.} {Please note (also): much adored wooden animals from Mexico not included.}
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