via Small Press Newsroom by -AF on May 06, 2007

That said I was drawn into the story and would love to see more from Adam soon. 24 pages, digest, color cover, thick paper stock and great printing quality throughout. No price on the cover? Also I love the intro page but you should have something on the inside covers if you can, and especially on the back cover, which he chose to leave blank. Maybe talk about your other projects or something about issue #2 or perhaps the main characters in a nice pose?
I give this 4.5 stars. Adam made a common small press mistake, he didn't print any credits or contact info in the comic. You should do that to make sure people can contact you for letters of comment, or to order more of your books! Add a web site address if you can and an email address for sure. Getting feedback is important and so is selling more books! You could even get someone that likes your art and want to hire you for something so don't miss an oportunity!
_______________________________Send $5 + $2 shipping to: Adam Buechler, 1582 William St., Vancouver, BC, V5L 2R2 or Email him at for payment details. (I'm sure we will be seeing alot of great things from him in the future!)
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