zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Portland Zine

via Portland Studios Update by Zach on 4/17/08


WHAT? "Sweet Ride," Portland Studios' very first zine (it's not a magazine, yet not quite a book).

WHO??? Chris Koelle did it. "I did it!" says Mr. Koelle.

WHY?!?!?! Because Chris Koelle likes old photographs, especially of people posing with bicycles, tricycles, and unicycles. And he likes to draw them. And share the drawings with viewers like you.

Dazed and confused? Here are the clear, exciting details.

We are publishing our very first zine (pronounced "zeen"), created by Chris Koelle. It's called "Sweet Ride" and is a collection of 26 drawings of people with bicycles, tricycles, and unicycles, based on old photographs from way back when. You know, back when it was cool for someone to decline an invitation to lunch because they had an appointment with their photographer to get portraits of them posing with their bike. Chris happens to really dig these old photographs, so he thought he'd do drawings of some of them.

32 pages, color cover with wraparound artwork, black & white interior art. The drawings were done in pencil, ink, and charcoal, including entirely hand-lettered text by the artist.

Each and every copy of "Sweet Ride" will be signed and numbered by Mr. Koelle. Yes sirree, limited edition, each signed and numbered.

"Sweet Ride" will be available in about a week exclusively at the Portland Studios store.

Oh, one more thing. All of the original pencil, ink, and charcoal drawings will be available for purchase as well.

Here are few sample spreads from the zine:

spreads 1


spread 3

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