Zine Showcase #10

Michael C. Hsiung
Website // Shop // Blog
Doobert Life #1 // $7+ shipping
This is Michael C. Hsiung's first zine, a collection of illustrations spanning 28 pages. Hsiung's work is peculiarly inviting; a blend of the obscure and unconventional yet with a wonderfully friendly tone. My inner geek particularly liked the role-playing homage in the form of profiling Hsiung's stat counts along with his hit points, alignment and race at the end of the zine; I understand for the less geeky amongst us all will be lost..

Art For A Democratic Society
Website // Shop
Iraq War Activity Book - Shock and Draw Edition // $3 + shipping
Celeste Christie and Steven Damewood are the founders of Art for a Democratic Society; an organisation with ambitions to encourage communication between the general public, art communities and politics. Iraq War Activity Book is a 20 page, black and white zine including colouring pages, crossword puzzles, connect-the-dots and other activities with a hefty dose of tongue-in-cheek humour.

Laura Walker
February 2010 One A Day // $3 + shipping
As part of a "one-a-day" project this zine chronicles the month of February across 32 pages with a hand coloured cover and fold-out calender. The pages are comprised of what was originally a drawing for one dollar and sold on Etsy. I like the unique origins of this zine alongside the creative flourishes such as the calender and the extra, completely original pieces included with every purchase.

Lacey Prpic Hedtke
Shop // Blog
Likes/Dislikes // $2 + shipping
A voluminous list of the likes and dislikes of Lacey Hedtke; 24 pages, typewritten and photocopied, Likes/Dislikes appeals to the list-maker in all of us. Despite being a personal account of tastes, these lists reveal the shared appreciation for those little things we love to hate and those we hate to love. Likes/Dislikes is similar to Barbara Ann Kipfer's 14,000 Things to be Happy About and makes me think perhaps we should all create a little list to remind ourselves of the things we should cherish.. and those perhaps we would be better off forgetting.

Jack Teagle
Website // Shop // Blog
Dick Williams // £3 + shipping
Produced within the constraints of a 24 hour comic challenge in November 2009, Jack Teagle's 28 page, black and white zine tells the story of Dick Williams the strongest man in Cornwall. I cannot praise this zine enough; Teagle's illustration style is fantastic, it really is astonishing such a polished zine could be created in only a day. A blood thirsty yet comedic storyline with awesome illustration work; limited to a run of 150 I would recommend purchasing this zine post-haste!
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