122 pages. 23cm x 17cm.
INR 350 + INR 30 (Delivery Charge within India). International rates, see below.
Being gay in India is to be routinely punished by physical assault and verbal threats. In such a culture it can be dangerous, both physically and emotionally, to be open about sexuality.
Which is what makes publishing Gaysi hugely brave and incredibly culturally important.
The latest issue of Gaysi Zine is India's first graphic anthology of gay narratives. Contributors come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and artistic disciplines, there has been no discrimination over age, sexuality or ethnicity. The result is a beautiful thing.

The texts cover subjects such as how it is to be treated being a single woman in the face of a society that refuses to accept independence; the perils of seduction; loneliness, loss, and longing. They range from emotional diary like entries, through poetic visual narratives, to witty observational comic strips.
The style of the artwork is absorbing, fluid and strong. Each page is visual journey that pulls you in. The collaborative pairings of writers and artists really works.
I can't recommend you get a copy of Gaysi Issue 4 enough. Buy it, get your friends to buy it. Spread the word. Gaysi Zine has the right approach to sexuality in India, it is their attitude that should be the norm not the exception.
For ordering information visit: https://www.instamojo.com/GaysiFamily/the-gaysi-zine-queer-graphic-anthology-122-p
Check out Gaysi on the web here: Gaysifamily.com
** For International Delivery: please write to gaysifamily@gmail.com with the subject line ‘Booking The Gaysi Zine – mention the number of copies’, and the Gaysi family will take it forward from there **
Review by Nathan Penlington. My review of Gaysi Issue 3 is here.
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