zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Whuddafug #7

Whuddafug #7
pamphlet, 8 pages, $2 or trade
More Whuddafug = more riffing and more randomness + more vagaries and more irreverence. This time Anthony is joined by Dr. Coyote, who offers a couple letters to former Secratary of State, Henry Kissinger, among other things. Anthony shares his top 20 words used on Twitter for the past 2 years along with more of his well-written and entertaining prose and fiction. Check out: "Ship That Shit To Guatemala." Also, Anthony wants to make you famous, so send him your best writing (100 to 1,000 words), and maybe you'll be featured in the next issue of Whuddafug. I'm taking the subtitle of this issue as an order and leaving my copy in a public restroom.
Anthony Abelaye, PO Box 861294, Plano TX 75086

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