Christian*New Age Quarterly – a bridge supporting dialogue – Autumn 2009
16 Pages half legal
$3.50 single, $12.50 subscription ($5/$18.50 non-US)
Editor Catherine has had to make some decisions and changes in order to keep up with the demands of putting out issues four times a year: 2 issues will be full issues, 2 will be supplements. This issue is a supplement with letters, reprints from early issues, etc. While I love what she is trying to do, I am mostly disappointed with the product. C*NAQ appears to be primarily an outlet for a cliquish group of “writers” and various wannabes. The articles are usually slanted toward the academic, i.e. contrived and pompous, and have little or nothing to do with faith, God, interfaith dialogue, or just plain humanity. Having said that; there is always positive feedback in the letters section, which suggests she must be hitting a target audience.
Christian*New Age Quarterly
PO Box 276
Clifton NJ 07015
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