Sunday, February 3, 2013

Colouring Outside The Lines #6

Colouring Outside The Lines #6

After only a measley 3 and 1/2 years wait since the last one (!!) Issue #6 of Colouring Outside The Lines zine is out...

Colouring Outside The Lines is a zine full of conversations with contemporary female artists.

This issue features interviews with:
Lauren Denitzio (USA),
Fly (USA),
Megan Kelso (USA),
Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring (USA),
Allyson Mitchell (Canada),
Caroline Paquita (USA),
Summer Pierre (USA),
Lindsay Starbuck (UK), and
Anke Weckmann (UK).

Cover artwork by: Amy Ng.

Each copy of Colouring Outside The Lines #6 comes with a limited edition bookmark designed and letterpress printed by Jessica Spring at Springtide Press (USA)

From the introduction:
I started this zine project back in 2005 as a way to communicate with contemporary female artists whose work I was excited by and wanted to celebrate, and also to provide a way to illuminate various corners of current female artistic and creative activity. Activity that’s not exactly in the mainstream. I’m continuing it here, in 2012, as there’s still a great deal to be said, and women to interview.
I’m interested in communicating with people, less to interview them about how or what they make, but more to ask big questions about the ‘Whys’ of their creativity, and the ‘What Fors’? This is hugely linked to individual’s lives, experiences, and politics. That to me is the interesting bit. And as such, the questions in this zine, and the conversations that have grown around them, are more about individual’s processes than of their actual production. This has led to this issue probing areas such as: confidence, accessing creativity, ‘community’, representation, art-as-activism, spreading and passing on 'good vibes', encouragement, getting stuff done, accessibility of art, working together, working outside of convention, feeling 'good enough', juggling life to make room for creativity, motivation, artistic potentials, and beyond.

A5 size zine
Date: 2012
72 pages.
Black and white pages, with colour spreads featuring art from the interviewees.
Printed on 100gsm recycled paper, with cardstock covers.

For more information about the zine (and distributors), see:

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