Monday, February 4, 2013

Calls For Submission, Zine News, & New Releases!

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Happy February!                                                                               
In our last newsletter, we added a section for zine/book news and calls for submissions and we'd like to continue to let that little garden grow until it's a jungle. If you have news about your zine or book or related project you'd like us to report on, email Jessie ( and we'll get it in here!
Big thanks to everyone who's ordered from us these past few weeks of the new year. It's been a cold one out on the Hard Fifty Farm but we're looking to the future with some big dreams and crazy plans under our belt.
-Adam, Jessie, Rio, Thad, Laura, Matt

Zine news!
  • Rich Baiocco has sent us copies of his new mini zine, Boot N' Rally. Anyone who buys his excellent Death in a Rifle Garden zine here will get a free copy of it!
  • This Friday, February 1st, there will be a zine release party at Tin Pan Theater in Bend, Oregon for Rachel Lee-Carman's Shoe & Tail #11!
  • Nicole Georges is currently on a book tour for her new graphic memoir, Calling Dr. Laura. See dates here.
  • Pioneers Press owner Jessie Duke (Hard Fifty Farm zine) has a new tumblr! Check it out right here!
  • From our favorite Australian arts and culture magazine, No Cure: "If you haven't pre-ordered a copy of No Cure yet, now is the time. We still have a long way to go so please dig deep and support us by pre-ordering a copy for only $15 which includes delivery in Australia and $20 international. We can do it! Just click on the link and pledge! Thanks"
  • Next time you're in Lawrence, Kansas you should stop by Wonderfair and check out their ever-growing zine section. It's pretty impressive.
  • Big Will Potter news. His excellent Green is the New Red is being translated and published in Serbia!
  • Congrats to zinester Sarah Mirk, the new online editor over at Bitch!
  • Tanner Ballengee dropped us a line to let us know he just finished his newest zine, Harsh Barge. Says Tanner, "It is a photo zine of around 80 film photographs documenting my travels through SE Asia and India by motorcycle." More info.
  • Let's hear it for Kansas City zine-makers! Jessica from KC got in touch to tell us the first two issues of her zine Stink Eye are available to read online. Jessica says, "keep your eyes out for issue #3 coming later this year!" More info.

Call for submissions!
  • Sarah Tabor in Okinawa, Japan is looking for submissions for her new Roller Derby zine! She's looking for derby-inspired art, photography, comics, and essays from fans and players. Why do YOU love the derby? Deadline is March 1st. Email
  • Submissions wanted for Confessions of a Terrible Mother: The Hidden Side of Parenting, a completely uncensored and anonymous look inside the mind of parents. Here's your chance to purge your fears, regrets, mistakes, dark thoughts, secret wishes, and more. Looking for essays 100-1500 words in length. Possible topics: What it's like parenting while struggling with mental health issues. Your secret coping mechanisms. Weird things your body did after pregnancy that people don't mention in "polite company." Things you wish someone had warned you about. Not limited to mothers--we'd love to hear from dads or other long-term guardians too. We'd also love to hear from folks whose kids are already grown! Will also consider comics or art on the subject. Deadline for the first issue is March 1st. Zine will be published by Pioneers Press. Email
  • Submissions wanted for The Cruelty-Free Homesteader, a practical guide to rural and urban homesteading, and sustainable or off-the-grid lifestyles with a vegan/vegetarian focus. Looking for essays 100-2000 words in length, plus art, comics, vegan recipes, to-do lists, step-by-step project guides, tips, rural wit and wisdom, book reviews, etc. Possible topics: Living in harmony with non-vegan neighbors in rural communities. Raising vegan/vegetarian children in rural communities. Taking in rescue animals. Debating the use of eggs, wool, honey from your farm. Musings on staying cruelty-free in a post-apocalyptic society. Deadline for the first issue is March 1st. Zine will be published by Pioneers Press. Email
  • Lovecraft House is looking for comics and illustrations (and some photography, along with songs "similar to the anthology's concept and themes") for "a new underground/horror/weird/sci-fi book anthology," The Weird World of Underground Comics. To submit, please email Deadline is Feb 6th. More info.
  • DCinruins zine is looking for submissions for their next issue. Says the folks behind it, "DCinruins is a zine documenting modest efforts to explore disused, abandoned, and decaying structures in the Washington, DC metro area ... If you have photos, stories, or information about the abandoned places featured on DCinruins--or other abandoned places in the DC area that I haven’t gotten a chance to cover yet--please consider sharing them with me." Email More info.
  • Jessica from Kansas City's Stink Eye zine writes to say, "I am working on a new zine called Hate. Satirical aesthetics fueled the idea of this zine.  It's 'tough' outer appearance (echoing stark 7" covers and hc/punk style) will hopefully lure in some new readers who often overlook the DIY values that house the punk scene. The content will consist of rants, gripes, critiques, anecdotes, photos, comics, poems, etc. spanning a range of issues." For more info:

New releases in our distro catalog!
Shoe & Tail #11 by Rachel Lee-Carman (formerly Show & Tell) is one of our favorite zines right now.  You can feel the winter in these illustrated (comics/collaged) stories--the snow piling up, campfires, death, physical isolation. There's also a lot of heat, in a variety of forms--friendship, loud music, cooking, freedom, a day in the sun at Elk Lake, humor like a great rolling wave of good-tidings.
Miso Kitty is the story of the life and passing of a sweet little cat. Done in comic panel form with sparse but beautiful writing, Rachel's 40-page zine is a beautiful elegy to a life cut short, a devastating story but one that leaves you feeling like life isn't so hard and mean and brutal. Great gift for anyone you love who has lost an animal companion recently.

Here are our brand-new Pioneers Press buttons. SO STOKED to have this up on the site. Here's to new beginnings!
Nerd Punks pin. Brand new 1" button design! Note: comes in a wide variety of colors. If you'd like a specific color, let us know in the order notes.
$20 Mega-pack: The All-New "Rad Stuff Made by Our Staff" Pack! This pack is a big ol' honking stack of zines and printed work by folks who work for Microcosm Distribution/Pioneers Press! Zines, buttons, and patches by Adam Gnade, Jessie Duke, and Rio Safari!
FIFTH ESTATE--winter 2013 "Anarchism and Education" issue! Just in! The new issue of the excellent anarchist news magazine, FIFTH ESTATE! Articles in the new issue include but are not limited to: Anarchism and Violence, or State Violence; Propaganda of the Deed; Taking it OFF in the Streets! From RITUAL TO Resistance; John Zerzan in London; Vietnam: Gucci Meets Revolution; Art in Support of Prisoners; Grand jury targets anarchists; Life in the Body Dump--Kelly Pflug Back from Prison; Operation 8--Terror Down Under; Drones--Death by Spreadsheet.
$20 Mega-pack: Punk's Not Dead. In this mega-pack punk celeb chef Joshua Ploeg recalls the '90 on the left coast in Archvision. Read about the Irish punk scene in Loserdom #21, get train punky with an issue of Railroad Semantics, then go stare at the drop-dead beautiful Publick Occurrences 13 (which comes with a free sticker), fight some zombies along with the punx in an issue of Brains, get a little jaded with Cramhole, get responsible with Fort Mortgage, and top it off with THREE ISSUES of Billy Da Bunny''s long-running Proof I Exist.

Book List: Ten Essential Books to Get If You Plan on Homesteading, Going Back to the Land, or Doing any DIY Farming
We put together a little feature on our blog of books for future farmers and budding back to the landers. You can go check that out here. Suggested books include everything from Radical Gardening to When There is No Doctor to A Steampunk's Guide to the Apocalypse.

Hard Fifty Farm Report: February 2013, Snow Days and Sneaky Goats
This past week on the Hard Fifity Farm has been snow, snow, and nothin' but SNOW. (But then on Monday it was 76 degrees. Take that climate change doubters.) All the rescue animals are hunkered down and cuddling up. Except the ducks. They're tough as nails and they are currenly swimming in their half-frozen ice pond without a care in the world. Everyone else wants inside--even the chickens. It's not an uncommon thing to come into the kitchen to find a wandering pygmy goat or clucking white hen. Here's how things are looking ...

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