Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ci Vediamo

Ci Vediamo by Hazel Newlevant
6 ½” x 5 ½”, 32 pages, $6
This is a comic book that manages to convey so much emotion and say so much in spite of the fact that it is wordless. Actually, words would have just gotten in the way. It’s beautifully crafted using alternating sheets of “regular” paper and vellum. The artwork on the vellum pages combines with the images on the proceeding pages and either adds to the previous image or creates new images altogether. As the pages are flipped and overlayed, new elements of the story emerge, which, in the words of the author, is a story of “love, loss, and moving on.” “Ci vediamo” means “we’ll see each other” in Italian. This book is a winner of a 2012 Xeric Award, and is very well done – a must see and a great addition to anyone’s collection.

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