Saturday, February 2, 2013

Zine News Round-Up: 20.01.13

Zine News Round-Up: 20.01.13

by Anne Lamott, via

Happy 2013, lovely readers!  Spill the Zines is back from its Christmas hiatus, and we’ll be making an effort to keep the blog updated every week with news posts, zine reviews, and guest features.  Remember: if you want to write/contribute anything, just drop me a line!

Cath x


1. Zine Releases
2. Upcoming Events
3. Submission Calls
4. Distro News
5. AOB (Any Other Business)


1. Zine Releases- Shape and Situate #4: Posters of Inspirational European Women is out now!  More information about the zine (and a list of distributors) can be found at:
- Colouring Outside The Lines #6, is a zine full of conversations with contemporary female artists, has been released this month.  For more information about the zine, and where to get a copy, see
- New poetry zine Distraction Faction: Found Poetry in London, is out now.  For more details, get in touch with the creator Tony at
- Pandora Press #4: The Pink Issue, is out now!  Pick up a copy at any Swansea Feminist Network event, or if you’re not from the Swansea area you can contact the editor at to buy a copy.
- Music zine All Thrills No Frills Music Bill is out now - more details at

2. Upcoming Events- A zine collective has been established for new zine-makers living in the SW London/Surrey area.  They hold regular meet-ups and zine events, and are currently in the process of organising a meet-up for the end of January.  More details can be found at
- Any upcoming UK zine events?  Let us know –!

3. Submission Calls- Pandora Press, a feminist compzine published by the Swansea Feminist Network, is looking for contributors for its 5th issue (theme: media).  Provisional deadline: 31 January.  More info at
- Lindsay Starbuck and Melanie Maddison are working on a compzine called ‘Remember Who You Are’, which looks at “our own individual, personal histories to see how we come to be the people that we are, with the politics that we have”.  More details at
- Ink Soup is comics and narrative zine based in Birmingham. They are looking for comics and artwork for their 7th issue entitled 'Under New Management'.  Deadline: 31 January.  For more info check out:
- Kat is looking for reviews, essays, quotes and artwork for her Stephen King fanzine, titled ‘Death Is When The Monsters Get You’.  For more info, email
- There’s a Doctor Who fanzine in the works!  Lots of detailed information can be found at
- SW London and Surrey Zines are looking for zines to sell at their zine stall at a local community market.  Lots of details can be found at .

4. Distro News
- Some new zines have been added to Princesa Pirata’s stock!

5. AOB
- Some cheap second-hand zines for sale on the LJ community Zine Scene UK – take a look here:
- Not UK related, but definitely worth a read: Maranda Elizabeth writes about self-care for zinesters on their blog:
- is a new blog made to showcase zines by/for feminists – submit yours, and check out some cool new zines!

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