Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Signals #3

Signals #3 (A Radio Zine)
digest, cardstock cover, 44 pages
$3 US/$4 Canada & Mexico/$5 World
(contact about trades)
I honestly felt giddy as I started reading this zine and realized (just as the subtitle suggests) that this entire zine is all about radio broadcasting. The emphasis is on DIY, pirate, amateur, and shortwave radio. Or in other words: taking back the airwaves (the people have the power and stuff). Even though I listen to very little radio these days, I have long been fascinated by the radio. Over the years I have become disillusioned, as radio continues to be taken over by commercial tripe. But this zine gives me hope and reminds me that there are still people out there who care about what radio was, is, and can (should) be. This issue includes enlightening descriptions of types of radio stations, the origins of Food Not Bombs Liberation Radio, an introduction to amateur radio, an interview with a podcaster, and a "Shortwave Report." Also of interest is a Slow Media Manifesto (featuring 14 brief points concerning Slow Media) and an excellent comparison between old railroad graffiti and pirate radio. That's not all though; this zine is literally packed with great stuff. So, whether you're a radio geek, a radio hopeful, radio-disillusioned, or radio-interested (regardless how fleeting), this zine is totally worth sending a few bucks for. Long live pirate radio!
contact Frederick Moe at singinggrove@conknet.com or fmoe@Colby-sawyer.edu

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