Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brighton Zine Fest

So a few weeks ago I went to Brighton for the Brighton Zine Fest. It was lots of fun (if somewhat smaller than last year's) and it was cool to see lots of people I know, talk about comics and zines, explore another town, discover the magic of My Little Pony cartoons, and lots of other fun stuff (the programme had a zine scavenger hunt! How fun!).

Of course I failed to take any photos whatsoever, and I've been procrastinating doing this post cause I wanted to finish the site redesign (look at it! What do you think? What should I add/change?), and because I wanted to get my flight booked back to Canada so I could tell you all when I am moving (March 20th!)

I'll be at the London Comic and Small Press Expo on the 12th. I think this'll be the last event of this sort I'll be going to in the UK, so if you want to say hi to me (or get one of my zines for some reason) you should let me know if you'll be there. I think we'll be going out for drinks somewhere nearby afterwards. Hurray!

(This review was originally published on 365 Zines a Year.)

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