Saturday, August 7, 2010


via Randy Spaghetti by (Randy Spaghetti) on 8/5/10

POB 6129
50080 Zaragoza
Unfortunately I can't read Spanish and so I missed out on what appears to be an amazing hardcore punk zine. I recently gave a power point presentation about zines to a group of high school kids at the University of Idaho, I took this zine with me as an example of the cultural and artistic diversity present in the world of zines. I passed this zine and a few others around and let the kids look through them as I talked. They all seemed to be really into this one based simply on its aesthetic appearance. This zine looks cool, really cool. It has interviews with Bad Brains, Mob 47, Sotatila, Antimaster, and a host of other bands. It's got reviews, columns, and tons of great pictures of bands tearing it up live. If you are into punk zines and are hip to the Spanish language, you need this zine. It comes with a bunch of stickers and a split CD from the bands Almax (which the author screams in), Mistkafer, and Down to Agony.

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