Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Homobody #6

via Blackguard on 8/9/10

[32 pages, digest size, $2.00 or trade from Rio Safari, 1631 NE Broadway #737, Portland OR 97232, USA +++ riosafari (at) riseup.net +++ www.movedancecreate.com ]
As the first 'queer comic zine' I've ever seen, this one defied my expectations. I'll be honest, I expected more sex. At least some drawings of cocks. Then I remembered this part from the interview with the Queer Zine Archive Project contained within - "Queer zines are (typically) more racy than non-queer zines. They tend to be about sex, sexuality and gender, and consequently take more chances than some other zines." But the contents of Homobody, if I had to sum it up in one word, would be 'coy.' Take the longest comic story in here for example. One young guy picks another guy up on the street and takes him back to his place. They get their shirts off, then the other guy admits he just wants to crash until the punk show that night.
Well, this zine isn't targeted at me anyway. But if I was a young queer dude I'd be ordering all the back issues of Homobody for sure.
Along with comix, illos and the previously mentioned interview with QZAP, there's also an interview with Robert Triptow, editor of Gay Comix in the early 1980s, and a few reviews (two zines and one unpublished 'young adult' novel).
The zine has a cool and easy to read layout, and I really dig the cover which is hand spray-painted with red paint on xeroxed yellow card.

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