Monday, May 12, 2008

Yet another scare for me

via Eaten By Ducks by (Robert Adam Gilmour) on 5/4/08
I've been holding back on writing things and keeping my thoughts to myself,, but I just read an artcile by Brian McNair in the Sunday Herald((a pretty okay broadsheet)) and he was talking about this Ban on extreme pornography, which nobody has been talking about for some reason((the writer was wondering why nobody was talking about it)). He said that it was actually possible to get jailed for 3 years for owning Maddonnas Sex Book or even a film like Secretary. Highly unlikely, but still possible for bored Policemen and Judges to accomplish. I dont own any freaky stuff involving real people(but plenty of freaky stuff involving drawn people) and even though there is no laws against doing this stuff in your own home or creating images of it,,, I always have the feeling there are unseen forces trying to put me in Jail for something really silly. I'm fairly confidant that nothing is going to change,, but you really dont want to go to jail in Glasgow.

I'm going to try and put a warning sign on my blog,, because I want extra protection for when I do the dodgy sex stories.

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