Monday, May 12, 2008

The Inner Swine


Happy Cinco de Mayo. I will be drinking my weight in beer later in honor
of this largely corporate-created holiday. I love the corporate holidays
because they always revolve around drinking irresponsibly.

Anyways, over the course of some time I have received the following
goodies in my PO Box:

- Maximumrocknroll # 300 ($4, mmr, POB 460760, SF, CA 94146-0760; If they ever change a single thing about MMR, I
will weep--it is perfect as it is. Included in this issue is the
standard bad review of TIS.

- OFF-Line #43 (free, Claire E. Cocco & Vincent J. Romano, 35 Barker Ave
#4G, White Plains, NY 10601). This is the "White Plains: City of Dreams"
issue, where they take an in-depth look at their adopted home town. I
like that idea, to be honest. If I did that in Hoboken it would be all
about the bars. I'm not even sure if there are other types of businesses

- Zine World #25.5 (free to subscribers, POB 330156, Murfreesboro TN
37133-0156; This is a cool idea, keeping
those reviews fresh. There's a good one of TIS in here too. The
Singularity will be the day when every zine in the universe contains a
review of TIS simultaneously, and we will all rise up into heaven.

- Fringe Five (No price, Lane Robbins, 12908 Borgman, Huntington Woods,
MI 48070). Note that the letter I received with this zine has a
different address on it, so I can't be 100% sure which one should be
used. The inside cover declares that this issue "...covers my travels in
New Zealand and Australia, as well as the time I spent at Green Gulch
Farm..." It's bound with the simple expedient of wrapping a rubber band
around folded pages, which I've never seen before and which appears to
work nicely.

- The Ken Chronicles #7 ($2, ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow,
NY 11554-1120; Another digest-sized blast of
perzine goodness from Ken.

That's it! Aside from a letter from a prisoner who's been trying to get
a copy of TIS for months now, with each issue returned for various
reasons. I find this eternally frustrating, especially in those rare
occasions when a prisoner has actually given me stamps or money, as this
guy has. I mean, damn!


The Inner Swine -
The Electric Church -
The Digital Plague - Coming 2008 from Orbit Books!

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