Sunday, July 9, 2017

Zenyaku Part 3 [July 2017]


Shaun Craike [art] and Susan Torre [story], Trades? No idea. Maybe. If you make a manga-style comic. Just ask; Size: 8.25" x 5.75" Page count: 36

It's hard for me to believe that it has been just over TWO YEARS since I received a copy of Zenyaku Part 2, but there it is right there - my review from May 2015.

So it's just as well that this issue begins with a one-page recap, "The Story So Far..." Basically this guy Drake gets sacked from his job, then kidnapped by The Black Clan [a kind of samurai gang] who tell him that he is the son of one of their former [read: dead] members, so he will be forced to take his father's place. Meanwhile Drake's mother is also kidnapped by this gang, and we learn that she used to be with the King of the Black Clan until she ran off with one of the pawns [low-ranked member]. Guess who? Yes, Drake's father. Part 2 ended with Drake undergoing some intense sword training, and ultimately being presented with a sword - his father's sword!

Pretty cool story so far, right? Right. So like HELL am I going to spoil anything for you. All you need to know is the art is up to Shaun's usual high standard, in fact even higher, and the story is well-paced and captivating, with all the intrigue and mystery of these opposing, chess-like Black and White Clans. Some of the dialogue does seem to be inadvertently comical ["NOW DISAPPEAR, SICKBAG."], but the only real criticism I have is the usual one - the appalling typos. An example - TWO misspelled words in this one speech balloon: "NO, NO, NO, I WOULD NEVER JEPODISE MY BUINESS, LET ALONE MY LIFE." [Also, I noted in my review of Zenyaku Part 2 that even the subtitle was misspelled - all three words! Well, with Part 3 only one word in the subtitle is misspelled. Improvement!]

Anyway... Typo, schmypo. I'm looking forward to Zenyaku Part 4! Mid-2019!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

How to Make Soap Without Burning Your Face Off

How to Make Soap Without Burning Your Face Off
Raleigh Briggs

10 Pages
Size: Digest
Professional Bound in Paper and Card-stock
$3.00 + Shipping

Have you ever, in your entire life, wondered about the magical process of making soap?

Well, if you were one of the people that answered "Yes", then this zine is for you. For the people who said "No", this zine is definitely for you!

While I had always been one to mildly wonder how the process worked, I had never been too interested in knowing until this little joy showed up on my doorstep from Microcosm Publishing!

Bound and beutifully printed on card-stock and nice, ivory paper, this little wonder gives you a step-by-step guide on how to make your own bars of soap!

Raleigh Briggs really seems to know her stuff and clearly conveys that through the text. Not only is she giving you really awesome recipes all the way from beginner to advanced, she also goes through many important and necessary safety precautions when handling some of the ingredients.

Split up into several sections, she'll take you through safety, the process and several recipes in order to complete all of this right in your backyard.

If you want to make it yourself, are curious about the process or just want to learn something new, I would highly recommend this as a top priority. I honestly had such a joy in reading this and really look forward to seeing other things from her!

Purchase your copy here!

Review by Daniel Peralta
Completed on 07/06/2017; 5:32 P.M. CST

*Disclaimer! SZR (Syndicated Zine Reviews) nor Microcosm Publishing hold responsibility for any injuries sustained in the process of making soap*