Friday, August 19, 2011

Sowing and Dawning #4

Sowing and Dawning #4
128 Pages, Digest

This is an impressive piece of work by Rick Visser. 128 pages split into two volumes and nestled in a fancy pouch, all of which are stamped with prints and stitched on a sewing machine, (one of the volumes has started to come unstitched.) Inside is old school cut and past prose that goes on forever, peppered with odd, random bits of pages from magazines, textbooks, maps, sheet music, some homemade paper, and there are several illustrations drawn on velum making interesting visual effects.

The content is primarily personal reflection. The prose is verbose and flowery, which normally I'm impatient with and end up skimming over. Here it's just interesting enough to make me slow down from my hurried mindset and want to give it the time and attention it demands. For this reason, I'm only able to read small amounts at a time. I have not finished it yet. So far it is mostly about Rick's experience moving around, (Portland, Connecticut, New York,) and the changing landscape both without and within.

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