Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Boris Lurie, Leader of a Confrontational Art Movement, Dies at 83


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via Eaten By Ducks by (Sagäuin) on 2/23/09

I came across this article.

Here are a few quotes from it:

"Mr. Lurie was born in Leningrad in 1924 but soon after moved with his family to Latvia. During World War II he was imprisoned in a succession of concentration camps, absorbing graphic images that would resurface decades later in etchings, paintings and collages. "

"The artists gave a name to their movement, No! Art, the following year, when they staged a show at the Gallery Gertrude Stein in Manhattan. That work was meant to be a rebellion against Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art as well as a protest against dehumanizing influences like fascism, racism and imperialism."

"They were saying no to a world that was saying yes, buy more, spend more," said Ms. Stein, the gallery owner. "It was retaliation against the consumerism of the post-Second World War boom."

"A 1962 etching by Mr. Lurie, for instance, combined a swastika and a Star of David. A 1959 work, "Railroad Collage," superimposed an image of a partly dressed woman over another image of corpses stacked on a flatbed rail car."


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