Thursday, April 7, 2016


Longview - the survival guide

Maria Forde

14cm x 10.5 cm, 32 pages, plus cardboard cover


One of my favourite zines of all time is Duplex Planet. Longview shares much beyond the same subject matter, it has a similar warmth and humour which makes it such a joy to read.

The zine takes its name from the nursing home in which the author's grandmother lives, and also from an approach to life - taking the long view - which is the subtext running through the advice given by fellow nursing home residents. 

Each resident has been illustrated by Maria in pencil and ink sketches. Between the sometimes self-conscious poses and outfit choices of the subjects, she has captured an endearing quality in all of them. 

Most of all the advice is poignant, funny and could just help you in keep focused on the right perspective. 

You can buy a copy of Longview here. I picked mine up during a recent trip through Miami from the Exile Books pop-up at History Miami.

Review by Nathan Penlington

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