Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Greetings! and call for entries!


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via Everyone's Blog Posts - We Make Zines by Meri Brin on 7/21/10

To introduce myself, I've always been a huge fan of zines, starting back in the 80's when I would mail order them. In the early 2000s I created a one-shot zine called Decease: Exploring the Culture of Death. It came out of an interest in the culture surrounding death and dying, similar territory to what he writer Mary Roach explored in Stiff.

Currently, I'm starting my next zine (one-shot, series? who knows!) about Collecting - what do you collect and why? Short submissions desired - 450 words or less. Visuals line drawings, illustrations, photographs are strongly encouraged as well. However they need to be B&W reproducible. Send submissions and questions to me at goodbyedoggy@gmail.com



Things you can do from here:


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