Thursday, April 8, 2010

ZINE INSPIRATION: Pepper Shop from Japan


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I spent my lunch break today poring over these incredible fanzine scans, from a Japanese newsletter (and later, zine) put out in the early '90s. 

From what I've gathered, Pepper Zine started off as a manga/art newsletter created by Manabu Koga--- the focus of each of the original newsletters centered around one artist/cartoonist, with a long interview and bibliography. Explained as INPUT -> OUTPUT, the theme seems to be to spread the word about these creators in a cool and curated fashion. I didn't recognize all the artists of course, but a few of my favorites like Kyoko Okazaki, Gento Matsumoto and others are featured in them... it's fascinating stuff!!

After the newsletters (it seems) Pepper Shop was published twice as a proper zine, distributed at Aoyama Book Centre, Parco and other art shops-- with really STUNNING and interesting layout. The first issue is focused on the late Fujio Akatsuka. I included a bunch of spreads here, both for their raw layout style and for the awesome graphics and text treatments. This is the fuel that gets my brain fired!

[from Pepper Shop, click for more scans! Original link via AICNanime twitter]

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