Sunday, April 4, 2010

Newsletter for March


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via Everyone's Blog Posts - We Make Zines by Ms Valerie Park Distro on 3/8/10

Hello and welcome to yet another month of the year. It's an early spring here in the northwest part of the U.S. and things are plugging away as usual here at Ms Valerie Park, plenty of newness and many exciting things on their way. The spring seems so ripe with projects, tours, and travel, that I doubt I'll get a proper night's sleep until the end of June, but I'd like to think I'm ok with that. Hope all you out there are doing just as fine (but hopefully getting more sleep). -JJ/MVP

Angry Violist #2 (Zine) ($2)
Bike Pad (Blank Book) ($3)
Blackberry Bushes Stringband- Crow (CD) ($15)
DIY Guide to Car Repair (Zine) ($3)
Foxdye Patch (Patch) ($3)
Nag Champa- Bone Rock EP (CD) ($9)
Resume of Charm Animals (Magnet Set) ($4)
Resume of Charm Dolls (Magnet Set) ($4)
VA- BRK: The Francophonic Show (CD) ($8)
VA- Spring Calendar Compilation (CD) ($3)
Woman on Bike (Blank Book) ($2)

Criminal: Writings of Isabelle Eberhardt (Zine) ($3)
Foxdye- Robot Gold (CD) ($5)
Foxdye/Baron- Chopped n' Screwed Vol 1 (Tape) ($2)
Foxdye/Baron- Chopped n' Screwed Vol 2 (Tape) ($2)
Kendl- Still, Life (CD) ($10)
Kendl Winter- Apple Core (CD) ($10)
Lightbulb Graph Paper Notepad (Blank Book) ($4)
Southern Skies- Broken Down (CD) ($10)
VA- Biting on Ravecore (12") ($13)
VA- Summer Soul Vol 1 (Tape) ($3)
VA- Summer Soul Vol 2 (Tape) ($2)

Firs of Prey- Sooner Than Later (off Keep the Lions Asleep)
Foxdye- Tacompton MDMA Bootybang (Excited Mix) (off VA- Biting on Ravecore)
Kendl Winter- Cotton Skies (off Apple Core)
Myra Barnes- Message from the Soul Sisters (off VA- Summer Soul Vol 1)

*Apple Core, the latest album from Olympia's own Kendl Winter (The Pasties,
Blackberry Bushes, Kite, Southern Skies, etc) is going to be reissued
on K Records in October; on CD and vinyl! Very proud, indeed.
*Basic Paper Airplane #3 got a lovely review on the We love You So website (which, evidently, a ton of people read).
*On March 19th and 20th, the Olympia Timberland Library will be hosting the Art of the Small Press,
a two-day event of readings, sounds, paneling, tabling and more that we
will be taking part in. If you're in the area, come check it out.


Things you can do from here:


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