Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Call For Submissions: Fist Fight

via Bird in the Hand Zine Shop by Bird in the Hand Zine Shop on 3/26/10

An old ziney friend is currently taking contributions for a new zine called Fist Fight. Here's the info:

fist fight is a zine about girls and every day fights, from physical confrontations at shows, to the fight for autonomy with medical professionals, or the fight against advertising to be body posi. it's about girl gangs, and strong/weird female friendships.

It's about feeling positive and strong. It's about being inspired by other women on days when we've been feeling overwhelmed or defeated.

we want your contributions! we're interested in your personal writing/essays/comics/art.

when you're submitting, think about: whether it fits the theme and feel of fist fight (if you think it does, you're probably right), whether you want to lay it out on the page or if you're happy for us to do that, and a title.

you should also send a short (like 50 words or less) blurby bio-y type thing. totally mention your own projects so people can find you.

if you want more info, or want to check if what you you're making fits the theme you can contact eva or rina here, or leave a comment, or email

There's also a facebook invite with continually updated information: here.

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