Wednesday, March 24, 2010

AX WOUND: Gender & The Horror Genre #3 OUT NOW!!!!!!!


via Everyone's Blog Posts - We Make Zines by Hannah Neurotica on 3/23/10

"Ax Wound is my favorite critical horror magazine. The articles are intelligent, funny, insightful, and incredibly entertaining. These girls know their gore, and they make you want to re-watch all your favorite films with a whole new perspective. I love it and highly recommend it to any horror fan."
- Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever)

(this issue is expensive, it costs $6.25 to photocopy one issue and due to the weight it is also expensive to ship. I am sorry for the price but it is so worth it!

I have been putting this together over the last two years. Some of the contents include:

Talking Vaginas & Corpses with Robert Rhine interview by Hannah Neurotica
Chucky, Chainsaws, and Girl Survival by Clementine Cannibal
Gender Transgressions in Hellraiser by Nia Edwards-Behi
Interview with Fangoria's Rebekah McKendry by Hannah Neurotica
Twilight Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Undead by Michael H. Forman
The Origin of Nos by Jessie Seitz
Happy Birthday to Me & Carnival of Souls (poems) & Interview with poet Marnie Colton by Hannah N.
Valerie Castro's Period interview by Andrew Shearer
Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter w. Shannon Lark by Hannah N
Mother Blood: A look INSIDE by M. Brianna Stallings
Elizabeth Bathory: The Bloody She Wolf of Hungary by Mimi Honeycutt
ELI ROTH Interview by Hannah Neurotica
The Soska Sisters Interview by Hannah N
Queer Horror & Unusual Desires in May by Lindsey Campbell
Too Negative a comic by Jenny Devil Doll Gonzalez
Lucky MCKEE interview by Hannah N
Consummate (fiction) by Mary Goff
Create A Wound fx tips from Angel Young
Reyna Young Interview
Sarah Jahier is Fatally Yours interview
Rachael Deacon interview and artist

AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!



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