Friday, October 31, 2008

Comic Craze

Comic Craze Show Opens At Cambridge Galleries
Cambridge Now! - Cambridge,Ontario,Canada

Comic Craze

You are invited to the opening reception of Comic Craze at the Cambridge Galleries, Queens Square.

Comic Craze explores the rich and vibrant intersection of contemporary art and narrative expressions found in Canadian independent comic books, mini-comics, 'zines and graphic novels. Visitors to the exhibition will discover the best of French and English publications from across Canada. Capturing the different graphic and narrative styles that have made comic culture one of the most absorbing and experimental forms of expression today, the exhibition features over four hundred books from more than one hundred artists, including Marc Bell, Rupert Bottenberg, Shary Boyle, Chester Brown, Geneviève Castrée, David Collier, Rebecca Dart, Jeff Lemire, Billy Mavreas, Marc Ngui, Joe Ollman, Michel Rabagliati, Seth, Rick Trembles, and Maurice Vellekoop and many others. The artists and writers featured in the exhibition are creating some of the most significant and engrossing narratives in comic literature today.
For this exhibition, the gallery has been transformed into a reading space. Visitors walk into a transformed environment, one that's designed for hands-on investigation and experience – a black and white woodland forest filled with luminous snails and hundreds of comic books, 'zines and anthologies available for on-site reading. The space sets the stage for a unique experience in appreciating the visual, literary, and tactile pleasures of reading comics.

Featuring over 400 books from more than 100 artists:
Marc Bell, Rupert Bottenberg, Shary Boyle,
Chester Brown, Geneviève Castrée, David Collier,
Rebecca Dart, Jeff Lemire, Billy Mavreas, Marc Ngui,
Joe Ollman, Michel Rabagliati, Seth, Rick Trembles,
Maurice Vellekoop and many others.
Cambridge Galleries, QUEEN'S SQUARE
1 North Square, Cambridge, ON
Image: Courtesy, Walter Phillips Gallery.
Art + Narrative in Canadian Comic Books, 'Zines, Anthologies and Graphic Novels
Curated by Sylvie Gilbert, Organized by the Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre
November 1, 2008 to January 4, 2009
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 1 at 2:30 pm
Curator's Tour with Sylvie Gilbert, Walter Phillips Gallery
at 3:00 pm
Comic Craze is curated by Sylvie Gilbert, Senior Curator Walter Phillips Gallery and The Banff International Curatorial Institute. This touring exhibition has been organized by the Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Alberta.
Cambridge Galleries exhibitions are free and open to the public.
Gallery Hours (Queen's Square): Mon-Thurs 9:30 am-8:30 pm, Fri & Sat 9:30 am-5:30 pm; Sun 1 - 5 pm
For further information:
519.621.0460 or


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