Friday, July 11, 2008

One Month to Go


Sent to you by Jack via Google Reader:


via Simon Gray's Web Candy on 6/14/08

Hi there,

Just a reminder about the zine fair that's getting closer.
In Pt. Augusta on Sunday July 13th. It's about 3 or 4 hours drive out of
Naturally we'd love to have you get involved & below is a list of involvement options, numbered according to our preference:

1. Book a table (it's free), haul a pile of zines to
The Barracks on Beachamps Lane in Port Augusta.

2. Just come to say hello & buy some zines.

If you're thinking about either of these two, we can help with transport info & accommodation info (if the one day round trip seems too exhausting), & we've spoken to a few people petrol-high with generosity who proposed driving a car pool so get in touch @ yummylychees at spin dot net dor au or just call 0410391013 (these are for me Simon Gray).

3. Send us your zeens to sell & trade for you & we'll send you back your money + trades + leftovers. Zine Fair c/o PO Box 398 Port Augusta SA 5700

4. You've got no zines & no way to make it to Pt. Augusta in July. Forward this e-mail on to somebody who might, this goes especially for yoou if you've got a zine relevant mailing list of your own (with advance apologies to anyone receiving this twice).

We're also planning a basic zine workshop you can put your hand up to attend on the day, although this is targeted toward the folks from the local schools.

I'll look forward to seeing you in July!
& Thank You to those who've already expressed an interest, booked a table etc.


Things you can do from here:


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