Monday, April 28, 2008


via Simon Gray's Web Candy on 3/14/08
ROBO ZINE #1 by Anon.

This zeen was made by a Year 9 student for a school project. They promise to make more in the editorial but I haven't seen any since. I'm not looking very hard though. But a zeen about robots is a great premise & I think if I did see another one I'd pick it up. Even though this first issue, being the author's first attempt at a zeen is really sloppy. Most of the content is just cut 'n' pasted from catalogues, but not in the ironic juxtaposition kind of cut 'n' paste. The catalogue articles here are included for their informative content about commercially available robots or gadgets. The technophilia in this zeen isn't exclusively reserved for the androids. The advertising copy can tell you all about the Nintendo DS, Apple Mac Mini & there's pictures of Sega games, which I feel kind of lets the zeen down. But the good stuff is about robots, & there's a contents page too which I always enjoy. The whole thing's portrait format A5 photocopy paper with black & white skin & guts. There's no contact details but they recommend checking out for more information.

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