Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lazy Boy

via Trading Stories with the Leaves by Trading Stories on 4/21/08

Zine Cover - Lazy Boy

Mike Baker is a writer; a damn good one.

Lazy Boy is a collection of his stories, chronicling his sexual coming-of-age, but without descending to the level of mere pornography. His formative experiences, especially the awkward and ill-fated ones, are described with such passionate detail that it is impossible not to be drawn in.

Take this reaction to his rape by a boy called Bill:

I was cruel to never give him what he wanted, to tease him. That was wrong but I still hope he's dead and that he died of AIDS or that he was shot in the stomach.

There is anger, regret, self-doubt and self-righteousness in those two short sentences. That rawness and complexity of emotion is characteristic of Lazy Boy. The subject matter ranges from the bitterness of regret to the joy of youthful experimentation, but it's rarely one or the other. Mike is a complicated man, but he knows how to make sense of it on a page.

One thing that remains constant throughout the zine, is that it is hot:

… [T]here is nothing compared to seeing a regular man's naked body. It has a fullness to it. I mean to say, it is something I can have and it looks like me. I think very pretty people are their own species. Fucking them would be like fucking a dog or and [sic] bear or cousin. It would be wrong. And so these men undressed and red skinned from the hot shower's water and scrubbing themselves with their cocks only just getting thick and their balls hanging and warm were everything I wanted.

Lazy Boy is a blur of reminiscence and fantasy and self-analysis, and manages to get the balance right. There is more here than a blow-by-blow of a man's early sexual conquests — it asks the hows and whys, too, and that's why I'm sure every reader will relate to Mike's stories and learn from them.

Mike Baker, Lazy Boy, 1/4 size, 40 pages.
Available from PXS, Gimme Brains, Stranger Danger and the author.

The New Scheme #8


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/25/08
The New Scheme #8 (Free, Stuart Anderson, PO Box 19873, Boulder, CO 80308) My my, how The New Scheme has grown up. I distribute the magazines around my college, and I usually don't even get to read them. So, my last experience with The New Scheme was around a [...]


Lollipop #61


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/25/08
Lollipop #61 ($4.95 , PO Box 441493, Boston, MA 02144)  Ooh it's a full colour publication, and it has a free mp3 CD. Good sign, right? Typically, it would be, if the magazine's content was more than just reviews and interviews, with a comic strip thrown in here and there. Bands featured in this issue [...]


Lollipop #61


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/25/08
Lollipop #61 ($4.95 , PO Box 441493, Boston, MA 02144)  Ooh it's a full colour publication, and it has a free mp3 CD. Good sign, right? Typically, it would be, if the magazine's content was more than just reviews and interviews, with a comic strip thrown in here and there. Bands featured in this issue [...]


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


via Curiouser & Curiouser by Kim McCabe on 4/27/08

Just recently I found in my mailbox a wonderful surprise! Erraticus zine! Have you seen it!? You must see it because it is fabulous! It's a little magazine full of beautiful artwork put together in such a way that it gave me instant inspiration. Unfortunately all of my art supplies are packed now! But seriously! I LOVE Erraticus! It's lovely! It is put together by only ONE person!Melissa McCobb Hubbell creates this piece of joy right out of her home and prints it up on her printer. How fabulous is THAT!? And the really exciting part for me? Melissa contacted me a while back about my artwork and asked if I would mind her including it in Erraticus! So, the little piece of joy that arrived in my mailbox has two pages featuring some of my collages! Neat huh?! I'm so flattered! I think I will probably subscribe once I make it to Nova Scotia, I like it that much!

Living Room #1

via Trading Stories with the Leaves by Trading Stories on 4/19/08

Zine Cover - Living Room #1

The premise behind Living Room #1 is simple: we are standing in the middle of a room, and with each page we learn more about it. By describing the things in the room, the author builds a picture not only of the place, but of the people who inhabit it:

There is a sewing machine in the middle of the room. It is a "Bernina Record". It stands on a wooden table with red legs and a nice varnished top. Also on the table is a big Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bar and piles of paper.

Each page describes a different part of the room, moving around it until we reach the door.

It is a brief zine, so there is not much more I can say without spoiling it. It is very matter-of-fact, at times just a list of objects: "Fridge. Chopping board. Grater." This contrasts with other passages that convey the author's judgment about the room's contents: "The pencils seem very important." In some ways this creates a peculiar unevenness, but it also creates in the reader the sensation of standing in the room and looking around, skimming quickly over some things and stopping to contemplate others.

I would very much like to read about other living rooms.

tracing_contact, Living Room #1, 1/4 size, 24 pages.
Available from Sticky.

The New Scheme – Issue 3


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/24/08
The New Scheme – Issue 3. Full Size/56 Pages. This is one of the most professionally done zines that I have had the chance to review since Impact Press, which says a lot. The print run for this issue is 5000 copies, a feat that I believe was achieved to a clear and simplistic [...]


Live: A Pornographic Coloring Zine


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/24/08
Live: A Pornographic Coloring Zine / :5 / $1.00 / 16S / Robin Hustle, C/O, Ruth O-R, 1334 W. Greenleaf, Apt. 3S, Chicago, IL 60626 / Pretty much what the title suggests, Live is a coloring book that incorporates adult themes to the typically children-led field of coloring book. While more revolutionary coloring books have [...]


Monday, April 28, 2008

My Brain Hurts: Volume One

via Feminist Review by Feminist Review on 4/18/08
By Liz Baillie
Microcosm Publishing

Liz Baillie's character Kate Callahan is everything that I wish I had been in school, as well as everything that I'm glad I wasn't: a punk dyke; Mohawk-wearing, patches held on with safety pins-styling, multiple girlfriends-loving activist; and all-around New York City street-roamer. Think Diane DiMassa's Hothead Paisan before she turned homicidal and got a cat. You could say that Kate's a homicidal lesbian terrorist in the making — and in a good way, too.

While these character traits can be admirable in young queer activists, Kate is, at times, a little too rebellious for her own good, as she constantly teeters on the edge of getting kicked out of school. I'm inspired by Kate's spirit, but I'm also aware of the grown-up in me telling me not to mess up my life. These are the complex reasons why I'm in love with My Brain Hurts.

Baillie's drawings of Kate and her high school life are descriptive, ratty, fun, and what make up the intensity of story. A graphic novel compilation of the first five zines in Baillie's series of the same name is both a harsh reminder of how difficult high school can be for queer youth, but the stories can also be a best friend for someone currently going through that struggle.

Aside from the rich drawings and Kate's engaging personality, Baillie's cast of characters is also amazing: Kate's way-gay best friend Joey is fabulously flamboyant in a true but not mocking way, Desi is the Latina activist who can sway a crowd better than Barack Obama, and Verona is the older woman (yeah, she's 16, and that's old in this 13 year old crowd) who digs polyamory. Through chugging 40's and adventurous games of spin-the-bottle, Kate finds her sexuality in a tangle of identity confusion. Underlying this youthful narrative is a political beat that keeps a steady rhythm on each enjoyable page. My Brain Hurts is a great series for queer youth and older queer activists to relish together.

Review by Chelsey Clammer

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Neus Subjex #57 + #58

via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/23/08
Neus Subjex #57 + #58 / Free / 1 Full-Sized Sheet / / PO Box 18051, Fairfield, OH 45018 / While I have heard about Neus Subjex even since before I started doing my own zines back in 1999, I hadn't been able to procure a copy of the zine until now. With two [...]

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #4

via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/22/08
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned #4 / :30 / $1 / 16 Pages / Full Sized / PO Box 3050, Eureka, CA 95502 / Hey, Jacob's written for NeuFutur before. This is a lot more coherent than what ey had put on paper for my zine, with the exception of the "Bush or Chimp" piece. [...]

Dorothea #2


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/21/08
Dorothea #2 / $1.50 / 40M / / Mike Baker has a tremendous amount of talent when it comes to telling stories. If individuals are into gruesome, slinky stories that keep individuals in the dark for long period of time, a 'zine like Dorothea is perfect. Stories here largely, instead of dealing with [...]


My Fat Irish Ass! -#5


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/21/08
My Fat Irish Ass! -#5 / :10 / 36L / $2 / PO Box 65391, Washington, D.C. 20035 / / By far, the first thing that strikes me about My Fat Irish Ass! is the very basic, early nineties layout that they have throughout the zine. Simple text boxes and Comic Sans MS font [...]



via Simon Gray's Web Candy on 3/14/08
ROBO ZINE #1 by Anon.

This zeen was made by a Year 9 student for a school project. They promise to make more in the editorial but I haven't seen any since. I'm not looking very hard though. But a zeen about robots is a great premise & I think if I did see another one I'd pick it up. Even though this first issue, being the author's first attempt at a zeen is really sloppy. Most of the content is just cut 'n' pasted from catalogues, but not in the ironic juxtaposition kind of cut 'n' paste. The catalogue articles here are included for their informative content about commercially available robots or gadgets. The technophilia in this zeen isn't exclusively reserved for the androids. The advertising copy can tell you all about the Nintendo DS, Apple Mac Mini & there's pictures of Sega games, which I feel kind of lets the zeen down. But the good stuff is about robots, & there's a contents page too which I always enjoy. The whole thing's portrait format A5 photocopy paper with black & white skin & guts. There's no contact details but they recommend checking out for more information.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Constant Rider Omnibus: Stories from the Public Transportation Front

via Feminist Review by Feminist Review on 4/17/08
By Kate Lopresti
Microcosm Publishing

This second edition of The Constant Rider Omnibus collects issues 1-7 of Kate Lopresti's zine of "stories from the public transportation front." The first issue dates from September 2000 and chronicles the author's holiday travels during a week riding Amtrak and VIA Rail (Canada's rail system). The most recent issue included is from spring 2005 and covers tales of "celebrity sightings" associated with public transit. In between is everything from bus riding manners and romance (issue #6) to what people on the bus are reading (issue #4) to tales of passengers traveling in altered states (issue #2).

Lopresti lives in Portland, Oregon and uses both her bike and public transportation to get around town. She encounters a lot of intriguing folks while en route, and she describes them with a sharp wit that really makes them come alive. Because Lopresti is gifted at relaying details, in just a few words she can reveal the people she comes across as multifaceted and real.

At her best, Lopresti does an excellent job pacing her stories, revealing just enough to keep the reader wanting more. Many of her narratives end with a clever "pow," some witty remark that completes the piece and leaves a feeling of satisfaction. However, as a high school English teacher might write at the top of Lopresti's composition, sometimes her pieces come to an end, but not a conclusion. Those stories left me wanting more too, just not in a good way. But a few bland endings don't keep the collection from being a fun read. Overall, I was quite entertained by this book. I think Lopresti is a talented writer, and I enjoyed watching her abilities improve from one issue to the next.

This anthology is really perfect for reading on the bus or train. It's slender, only 125 pages, so it is easily slipped into a backpack, messenger bag, or tote. None of the pieces are more than a few pages long, so it's easy to read snippets on short rides or during short waits. Some pieces are amusing enough to read over and over again, so with this book in your bag, you always have a handy distraction if your travel plans go awry or you need to ignore a fellow commuter who seems to be getting too friendly.

Since spring is here, I've been riding my bike to work instead of catching the bus, so I read this whole book in a couple of big chunks while sprawled out on my bed. However, I really do recommend savoring Kate Lopresti's words in smaller portions while commuting, during those times you would rather not bond with the bus driver or the other passengers.

Review by Chantel C. Guidry

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Constant Rider Omnibus

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PIcaresque & Alright

PICARESQUE #S 1, 5, 7 & 8 & ALRIGHT #1 by Brendan Rocks

Brendan's PICARESQUE zeen series is one of the more enjoyable zeens I've experienced in recent years. He's completely unknown to me personally but I've pored through his zeenster memoirs with the pleasure I'd usually associate with letters written specifically to me. These aren't written to me & I don't pretend they should, it's refreshing to read something by a bona fide stranger but of course I associate parts of it with my own experiences as a reaction to the text. #1 Was among the first three installments that didn't feature the zeen series' novel numbers, while all present memoirs in the titular style, later editions featured a number for each entry that could theoretically, if read in numerical sequence, arrange the entries in a chronological sequence. I don't think anybody who's read these zeens have bothered trying, but it's a nice idea to accompany the text. We jump from high school years in rural Victoria, trips overseas, & the more contemporary goings on of a 20 something Melbournite & the numbers are there for you to rearrange, but the anecdotes are entertaining enough that you aren't so bored or confused enough to crave linearity. & These zeens are a satisfying read with substantial word counts too. It contrasts with the artier picture based zeen by the same guy ALRIGHT, this is a little more lightweight tome with observations about his suburb, with the text for the illustrations a hand drawn & blocky font. While the effort put into the format may be of equal laborious volume to PICARESQUE, ALRIGHT comes off as a typical & forgettable zeen. PICARESQUE then is a fairly atypical zeen, which is pretty sad, more zeens should be like this. They're filling like a meal with lots of carbs & fun. There's helpful advice to be found in them, a good laugh, occasional pictures & one even has a collection of notes home to his parents from his high school principal. The series had come to a halt last time I checked, with the story ending unfortunately, with him breaking up with his girlfriend & crying in the dark in his apartment. All these zeens are A5 portrait format on copy paper in Black & White. Write to mooneedamspress they are @ the web service.

PS: No pic again 'cause my photoshop's on the fritz. I'd rather have it back than adapt. I'm contemplating lo -fi, my my.

Slug #232


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/21/08
Slug #232 / Free / 84M / / After missing out on an issue for review (Stupid Spring Break and other commitments), we here at NeuFutur have another shot at reviewing this publication. As is usual, there is a Salt Lake City-heavy approach to the zine. The advertisement are large in number, but [...]


Morning Star #2


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/18/08
Morning Star #2 / $1 / 5.25 by 7 / 24 Pages / / 4832 N. Wolcott, Apt 1NW, Chicago, IL 60632 / Coming from the Art Institute of Chicago, I should have expected as much, but Morning Star is a completely cutely drawn magazine that is a mixture of comic and perzine. [...]


Saturday, April 26, 2008

FAT-'zine issue 09

via FAT BMX Magazine on 4/25/08
Did you ever have a cover of a magazine? Yes I did, FAT-'zine issue 9 right here. Putting yourself on the cover is pretty lame but what the heck, make your own (maga)zine and you have that control too. The photo was taken at an event in Amsterdam and "street riding" was a new thing. We got plenty of cool artwork again from our friends at school. Somehow they never got caught. The StokeBros sent over a few pages and again we brought the news in the Believe it, or not!? pages. It's 1989 and a photo caption says that Paul is back on the freestyle scene. A comeback in 1989! Paul also went to see Suicidal Tendencies twice and reports about it. Issue #9 has 'Zine reviews (Sketchy, Fractured and Zenith) and Lars from Mars also wrote a story that you can find on page 18. We did a lot in 1988 and have 7 pages covering the places we went. The free sticker page was filled with a terrible Airwalk freestyle team sticker but hey, it was free. We went to a BDP concert in Eindhoven (P. 29-30) and went back to the University of Duesseldorf to ride the brick banks. The year was 1989. Jeroen Hoogaerts (RIP) and Ron Wilkerson both got interviews. We did

The Fix, The Mix and The Free

via Planning with Kids by PlanningQueen on 4/25/08

Mixtape is a very cool little zine that comes out of Melbourne. It is a zine about making time for the small things - collision of craft, eco-cool and pop culture kitsch!

I am lucky enough to be having an article published in Issue 4 which is due out May 5. The article answers a question I posed to myself:

How did I end up in the 'burbs', with a people mover and a slight obsession for planning everything via a spreadsheet?

As well as a little bit about me, issue 4 features articles such as: Vickie Howell Interview!, How to make a mixtape, Numerology, 10 ways to green your lunch, Eating Green, Book reviews, Recipes, Crafty Lady Profile "Leah" aka hyena-in-petticoats, and much much more! 48 pages. A complete bargain at $6.00. (They do mail overseas.) You can purchase the zine online via their shop at bigcartel or check out the sidebar of the mixtapezine blog for Melbourne Stockists, which includes the lovely Meet Me at Mikes.

To celebrate Punks Is Hippies 30,000 unique visitor barfday...

via punks is hippies - the blog! by Slobodan Burgher on 4/15/08's some more zines!!!

What you get today is two issues of the early 90's grind/noise/death/punk zine Global Abuse, and the latest issue of Vermynoze Putrida (Fofao/BESTHOVEN zine).

Here are the links:

Global Abuse #1 + #2

Vermynoze Putrida #31


More Themes For Dyslexics #3


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/17/08
More Themes For Dyslexics #3 / :20 / $1 / Half-Sized / 56 Pages / / This zine is a toned down, shorter and smaller version of Maximum Rock'n'Roll. Whether it be the few columns or ample interviews or reviews, the only thing missing from More Themes For Dyslexics are the high amount [...]


Friday, April 25, 2008

Invincible Summer, Volume II

via Feminist Review by Feminist Review on 4/14/08
By Nicole J. Georges
Microcosm Publishing

Reading Nicole Georges' collection of zines, Invincible Summer, is like opening a time capsule to not only the writer's life, but also the community and time period in which she lived. The title of the eight zines collected in this book hails from an Albert Camus quotation that the author (zinester) found on an inspirational bookmark: "In the midst of Winter I realized that there was in me an invincible Summer." And really, there's a breathlessness to these zines, an excitement for life, that does make them an engaging experience for any reader.

The diversity of information in these zines is engaging. How can you be bored when you move from the recounting of a visit to the parental units to a list of the Top Ten songs Georges is digging to fun mini-comics and illustrations ranging from narrative to the random scribble of a pig. Additionally, there are times when Georges seems to directly speak to her audience, and then times that seem like explosive attempts at capturing an experience, whether it's a trip or conversation or image.

Some zines fall into intellectual masturbation territory, but this book's main strength is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Georges isn't trying to play the role Ghandi or an all-knowing sage. Instead, Georges's work seems hopeful and bright. Even when things don't go her way, there is no doom and gloom. For example, old boyfriends are spoken about in sweet anecdotes and bad days are framed by humorous sketches.

The best part is that Georges does not romanticize her life or try to seem like a rock star. She's just like anybody else. She "borrows" her roommate's toothpaste, hunts (sometimes unsuccessfully) for jobs, and has trouble communicating with her mother. In short, Georges could be your friend, and reading her zines is like reading a friend's letter.

Georges is as self-aware as she is talented. One of the funnier moments in this zine is when she realizes that she fits the Portland grunge stereotype. The best anecdotes in this collection are the ones linked to the smallest of moments: a night spent with a friend, a recipe, an image, and short illustrated synopsis of a day. To this author, the details of a drawing or moment are as important as its big events. This collection exudes an electric feeling of discovery. Life, as depicted in this book, seems open with possibility. In short, it seems invincible.

Review by Lisa Bower

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Linoleum Roses #3


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/18/08
Linoleum Roses #3 I have the weirdest relationship ever with Sarah. I think, right now, that I am currently on her ignore list. She's probably forgotten that I was even on the list, and is wondering why I am never on anymore. I think this last time we argued about the usefulness of [...]


linoleum roses #2


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/17/08
linoleum roses #2 This was another zine that I reviewed and didn't have the foresight to go and get the review off they other server before it shut down. With this issue, Sarah catches the spontaneity of such great zines as Mecaroni and Fleas and Ozzy Rocks, with her pieces about various different trips, to [...]


Thursday, April 24, 2008

la colle issue #5- MAPS- now out!

via la colle the collage zine by juliejean on 4/21/08

The 5th issue of la colle is now out!
Exploring maps in 28 pages, issue 5 includes:
  • collages by 10 artists from Michigan, Illinois, Oregon California and North Carolina
  • questions answered by cartographer and collage artist Denis Wood
  • lists of intriguing books about maps
  • artists who work with maps
  • a list of maps in songs.
  • Current and upcoming collage and map exhibitions (also listed below).
If you submitted a map collage (THANK YOU!), your complimentary issue will be mailed soon.

If you would like to purchase this new and exciting issue it will be posted shortly on and will also be available at Quimby's in Chicago ( Only with your support and/or collages will la colle continue to exist.

The next issue of la colle will be assembled sometime in Winter 2008 or early 2009. The theme will be Clothing (which could also, but does not have to, include fashion). More details to follow.

Collage and/or Map Exhibitions
Maps: Finding Our Place in the World
March 16 – June 8, 2008, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MA
Baltimore, like Chicago, is also having a Festival of Maps, March 16 - June 8, 2008

The Story of This Place: Charm City Remix, Kianga Ford, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore

Jasper Johns Gray, Through May 4, 2008, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY

Collage: The Unmonumental Picture, The New Museum, NY
Exhibition closed March 30, 2008 but an exhibition catalogue was published. Images and audio available online. I was particularly impressed by Mark Bradford's work, a dramatic presence when one stepped off the elevator, Martha Rosler's series Bringing the War Home and John Stezaker's Film Portraits.

Far From Home, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC, through July 13, 2008
Includes the brilliant work by Jane Benson, Mirror Globe (Map of the World), 2006, who plays with the idea prevalent in older maps that they present an accurate reflection of the world, Benson updates this notion, using such a map as the base of her work, with a disco ball, reflecting, but only pieces, of the viewer and the immediate in front of the map. and a second link about Benson's Mirror Globe

Time is Of the Essence: Contemporary Landscape Art, Asheville Art Museum, NC
Through June 22, 2008
Includes Maya Lin's Altered Atlas, 2007, made from a recycled atlas and a photomontage by Ken Fandell.

Julie Mehretu: City Sitings
Previously at the DIA in Detroit (closed March 30, 2008)
April 19–July 27, 2008, Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA

Limited Delivery Area #3


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/16/08
Limited Delivery Area #3 / 20 Pages / Half-Sized / / 111 W Archer Pl., Denver, CO 80223 /  This zine is pretty much the only one that I can come up with that details with the editor's job at Domino's. Where there has been some material on why to not support Domino's in [...]


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Damaging Noise no. 1-8 (Full run)

via punks is hippies - the blog! by Slobodan Burgher on 4/13/08

Do you know how lucky you are that PUNKS IS HIPPIES exists, for you to be able to come here and casually grab lots of free zines?

This is the complete run of DAMAGING NOISE newsletter / fanzine made by the one and only Sean "Seanocide" "Noizepug" Hogan (are you trying to become Snotlewd with your cool names or what? LOL). Intense fascination with music, vastly elaborated tracts on obscurities and commonbodies alike -mirrored perhaps only by the likes of Kugelberg and whatshisface. Ok I am exaggerating but whatever, this damn Seonocide dude is a genius -here he takes the same format of GAME OF THE ARSEHOLE and twists it to a fuzzbox. You will imagine that there is a grey tunnel at the end of the dark light (or some other type of obvious biased nonsense).

Added bonus 3 page article on Japanese noisepunk as well as a 2-pager CHAOS CHANNEL interview.
You need this.

Limited Delivery Area #1


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/15/08
Limited Delivery Area #1 ($1, Vermicious Knid, PO Box 543, Accokeek MD 20607) For those in the know, Limited Delivery Area (the term) deals with the delivery mainly of pizzas. Well, Vermicious here is a pizza delivery guy for dominos, and this zine is one of the first to detail the much-maligned life of [...]


lightningbug zine #4


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/14/08
This zine reminded me a lot of Ker-bloom, without all the overblown papers and stamps and everything. Detailing her early life, the zine talks about the first American address that she had (she's from Canada), and the emotionality of her early years, culminating in a move after her brother died. The narrative hops in [...]


Life In A Glass House #2


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/13/08
Life In A Glass House #2 / 52 Pages / Fourth-Sized / $3 / Madison Eliza, PO Box 261, Westerville, OH 43086-0261 / / Madison is a shy individual who typically has a problem talking to random people. Now, ey really gets a kick out of putting out this zine, which obviously goes to [...]


Monday, April 21, 2008


via punks is hippies - the blog! by Slobodan Burgher on 4/12/08

Via Cosmic Hearse, here's the Black Plague fanzine, "the official voice of the reclusive Les Legions Noire, and you won't see interviews with some of these bands anywhere else. Featured within the pages of this infernal tome is Vlad Tepes, Mutiilation, Belketre, Black Murder and more. Don't worry it's in English, but should probably be read by candlelight."

Remember kids, contributions to this website is so damn cool you might shit yaself thinkin aboutit.

Life As Art #1


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/12/08
This zine was giving me tons of weird vibes. The creator of this magazine is so far removed from the politics of the scene that it is really interesting and refreshing to get this view on culture. Even if the zinester is somewhat older than the average zinester, she still portrays a number of [...]


Drunk Nach Osten zine #1

via punks is hippies - the blog! by Slobodan Burgher on 4/10/08

"Drunk Nach Osten zine #1 is all in English, .pdf file & contains interviews with DISTRESS/KOMATOZ (Russia), FxPxOx/THIS HOME IS PREPARED (Macedonia) and ADIEXODO (Greece); Tour reports of KURWA APARATA and FESTA DESPERATO/RISPOSTA; Prehistory of Czechoslovakian punk (translation of the book "Kytary a rev", to be continued), lyrics, reviews...- put out in autumn 2007.

It also has a downloadable version of the 37 track cdr that came with the print issue. All bands feature in the zine, and are all from Eastern Europe and a fine mix of styles (no pop). 100% D.I.Y. and well worth reading / listening."

Thanks to IrishDave for his magnificent research and obvious unbeatable description which have been quoted in full.

Life After Crisis #1


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 4/11/08
Before I start this review, I will do a mini-rant about the subject matter of this magazine. I'm sure you all know the reformed junkie that has found God in some form or another. Has anyone thought about the fact that their conversion to Christianity is just a crutch, just another thing to be [...]