Sunday, October 29, 2017



20 Pages
Size: Digest
$3.00 + Shipping

G.P.S, a comic zine by VEEK, tells the darkly humorous story of a G.P.S. and its crazy passing of ownership.

Printed on glossy paper and bound with staples, the artwork in this zine, genuine looking and feeling hand drawn, gives the reader a closer connection to the author that is sometimes tough to achieve.

Throughout the story, VEEK takes us through several darkly humorous scenarios with an almost paranormal G.P.S. system. The drawings paired with the humor give it a nice balance that is difficult to achieve with darkly humored zines.

If you are looking for a good Halloween read, or are just looking for a chuckle, go ahead and pick this one up!
To purchase, click here.

Facebook and Instagram: @veek1313

Twitter: @fight_that

Review by Daniel Peralta
Completed on 10/29/2017; 9:51 PM EST

Monday, October 16, 2017

NickName - Issue 1

Nick Name Issue 1
Hurley Winkler and Aysha Miskin

24 Pages
Size: Digest
Printer Paper - bound with staples
$4.00 + Shipping

Ohhhhhh myyyyy!!

NICK NAME, a new zine series by Hurley Winkler and Aysha Miskin, hits EVERY MARK that I enjoy and look for in a zine - every single one.

This little zine, handmade in Jacksonville, Florida, is packed full with art, poetry, letters and various other little surprises. Printed in black and white on simple paper and bound with staples, this zine has a lot to offer in such a little package.

A mere 24 pages, this zine offers so much of what I like and what I like to see. Heavily influenced by pop-culture today, these ladies seem to be some of the rare young people today who GET IT and SCREAM IT.

Being young is hard, and this zine manages to cover the angst that some young people are too afraid to express in their work throughout art and creative writing.

This zine has everything to fulfill the angst that some people are too afraid to scream out. There aren't enough young writers like this out there telling the hard, beautiful truths of youth. Winkler and Miskin do an amazing job at exposing those truths.

Purchase a copy here!

Social Media:

FB - Nickname Zine
IG - @nicknamezine

Review by Daniel Peralta
Completed on 10/16/2017; 9:58 PM CST