Thursday, March 31, 2016

Megaskank Mansion : Megacon

36 pages, 8.5" x 6", by Curt Sibling, Biesuiss, Relhok, Wicked-at-Heart, and Corelle Vairel --- No contact info whatsoever [fuck you]

for ordering info try contacting >>> kurtzibling at yahoo dot co dot uk

"When super-spoiled zombie queen Foxxxy decides to host a huge comic convention at her Megaskank Mansion, every troll, brony and freak in town soon attends! Chaos erupts as Feminazis try to close down the event. Can the fandoms unite for once to save Megacon?"

Here at long last is the second issue of MM [I reviewed the first here] - and the wait has certainly been worth it.

Sure, one can enjoy the skilfully-executed drawings of "kickass cosplay queens ... dropping more sex bombs than ISIS", and I do love those, but what I love most about this series are the many references which I don't get, but since it's a word I've never come across, of course I must immediately look it up. [Example: the first issue's 'Weeaboo' - see review]

With this issue, it was a name. Tom Preston. Who the hell is Tom Preston? I didn't know, but I sure as shit had to find out right away! And then finding out who Tom Preston was led to my learning about the phenomenon of 'inflation artwork' - a fetish in which characters are artificially pumped full of air so that they expand.

Tom Preston

My only gripe is the complete absence of contact info. For a printed comic, that doesn't make any sense. How do I let people know how to get their own copy? There's not even a friggin' email address in here! There's nothing! No postal address, no email address, no URL... even that Art Zine I received the other day had a Tumblr address. Well, maybe you're supposed to Google it. But that's bullshit! If you make a printed work, put a goddamn physical address in there so people who live in the hard copy world and not the fucking e-cloud can enjoy your creation, too. Cuuuntz!!

review by Stuart / Blackguard

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Strenuous Stilts Art Zine issue one

16 pages, 5.5" x 8", by David Sait, 43 Grange Drive, Brampton, ON, L6X 2H1, CANADA +

It's always a real pleasure to receive something unexpected in the mail. Like this Canadian art zine! Every page is printed in full glorious colour. What a treat for these eyeballs! And yours, if you go ahead and write to David. Trade your own art zine with him. I'm sure he'll be up for it. There's collage art in here, along with line drawings that seem to be coloured using a computer application. They are very nice, especially the centrefold of the icy river scene with forest and mountains and twilight horizon. At work today I went across the road and stood in the park, lit a cigarette and looked at this. I looked and looked, and really was drawn into it all. It took me far from my workday.

Review by Stuart / Blackguard

also reviewed by Jack & Laura-Marie

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Exscind #1

Exscind #1
36 pages, digest
Limited edition of 100
High quality, slick pages, heavy stock cover
$6 delivered, ($4 media mail)

Adel Souto puts together here a compilation of his work, writing and art, from various eras of his life. Some is previously published, much of it not.

First off, this print version is one of those few that get filed under,  "best value zine publication you'll find anywhere, ever." The only thing I didn't care for about the production was the unattached clear acetate sleeve over the regular cover, (acetate has title in black, card stock has colorful art.) Keeping it all together quickly became a pain in the ass and I discarded it.

The art, primarily photography, ranges from good to great.

The writing is nothing less that polished and professional. How much I liked it varied. The poetry goes in one eye and out the other. There is some whimsical commentary that I find a little trite, (especially when you consider the overall caliber of this writer,) and can only think of as "filler."

However, the bulk of the prose is exceptional. The very best is when Adel writes about himself and his life. There are also bits he does that aren't autobiographical but are written with an almost academic focus. He is intelligent and well read, especially in history.

What ties this all together in a bow is that he's a complex individual with a dark side and plenty of questionable history. Piecing together his intellect, knowledge , criminality, homelessness, and superimposing it over the high quality art he is presenting is fascinating and compelling.

In his attempt to present a cross section of his work he completely succeeds. This is someone to keep an eye on.

Contact to order

review by Jack Cheiky
This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Non Monogamy 101 - a primer for questioning compulsory monogamy

Non Monogamy 101
40 pages, 1/2 digest
$5 + postage

Adelaide Barton puts out a series of zines with individual titles, as opposed to consecutive issues of the same title. From what I can tell, they are all of similar style and quality, both of which are nice. Hand written and hand drawn.

Non Monogamy is just what it says: an introduction to the topic for those who may not have given it much thought, and perspectives to think about for those who have already formed opinions on the matter.

It starts off by listing numerous forms of non monogamy, both in our times and historically, along with a list of famous people who have practiced one form or another, (you could add Margaret Sanger to the list.) All points are exemplified with quotes of numerous people living various non monogamous lives. Barton does this as she works though subtopics like communication and jealousy, then she ties it all up with a further reading list and an extensive glossary.

The tone is friendly, affirming, and non-accusatory. There's a thin fuzzy line between bringing awareness and legitimacy to a thing, and actively advocating for it, and she stays for the most part in the realm of acceptance of everyone, monogamous or not, as much as anyone objectively could.

Extra points for the Dan Savage quotes.


ladygardens00 at gmail
ladygardens(zero zero) at gmail

review by Jack Cheiky
This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bio Auto Graphic - scar issue (issue one )

Bio Auto Graphic - scar issue (issue one ) 
Michael C Nicholson / ensixteen editions, 2005. 

A5, 12 pages, including flesh coloured cardboard cover.


First impressions count, but they are as much about what the viewer brings to the encounter as the viewed, we also bring the almost invisible - scars: 

"out of context they're abstract...morbidly compelling notes of experience on our very skin".

I have a few scars - some from unexceptional knocks and cuts, others from one-sided fights with fists and pavements. One runs almost vertically from just under my nose to the the top of my lip. It is an almost invisible small white line, but the scar refuses to grow hair. That permanent absence means I have never grown facial hair, as that ordinarily invisible line leaves a hugely visible gouge in any attempted moustache.

Bio Auto Graphic traces a similar path through permanent scars of experience of friends, acquaintances and ex-lovers. A history of marks left on the zine's author, a set of mini-narratives that are unafraid to lay bare moments that are by turns moving and funny. This is a celebration of the marks that make us human.  

Although this issue was made in 2005, copies are still available via the Ensixteen blog - check out the more current issues while you are there.

Or email Michael directly to order: ladnicholson(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

Previous issues of Bio Auto Graphic are reviewed here

Review by Nathan Penlington

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Strenuous Stilts #1

Strenuous Stilts #1
16 pages, digest
$10 + postage

An art zine of drawing, collage, and (I believe) computer art and mixed media, all by Canadian, David Sait. I like it. Parts of it I love. Nice array of imagery. Neat, slick production. I'm on the fence about the price, but I could be behind the times. How much are quality color copies these days?

Issues 1 & 2 are out


review by Jack Cheiky
This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Laura-Marie reviewed it recently too:

Bio Auto Graphic - edition twenty eight.

Bio Auto Graphic #28: 'B'
Michael C. Nicholson / ensixteen editions

March 2016. 
A5, 20 pages, including cardboard cover. 

The latest edition of bio auto graphic once again explores the space and line between the poetics of the everyday and the graphic form.

'Beyond the endless background cascade of questions I ask myself, what's the first one the world asks me?

Begins the mediation on 'B', a reflection on being, the shifting angles of memory reformed by a stick in the sand, and by ink on paper. This is a zine that keeps surprising and inspiring, - jump into the series with this latest issue or wade out into the back issues. You won't regret it.

To get your copy visit the Ensixteen blog:

Or email Michael directly: ladnicholson(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

(Along with this issue Michael also sent me issues zero and one. Both are still available, so reviews will follow. Reviews of other editions here)

Review by Nathan Penlington

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Lewis Holt

21 x 29cm
128 pages, full colour
Hand assembled and bound


Sometimes with a zine that explores an area outside of your personal experience it can be hard to find a way in, not so with Schneller. To make it even easier the handwritten note that Lewis included with the zine expresses the aesthetic and ethos better than I ever could:

"DIY tattoos made from pen ink and sewing machine needles, DIY skateparks made with blood sweat and beers, drinking travelling, and doing whatever you can or need to enjoy this beautiful art form".

The zine is an almost entirely visual document of a journey spanning the UK, Amsterdam, Germany and Prague. The images have a Vice magazine feel to them, but have a genuine immediacy that results from using 35mm film - a no going back, one shot, if it fails, don't worry just try again ethos. In that way the medium truly reflects the subject. Schneller is a true celebration of DIY culture, and a document of a youth culture that transcends boundaries. 

"Where you come from, what language you speak, your colour, culture, your beliefs; all that is dissolved by the sense of camaraderie you have with each other...You know on one level that it's utterly pointless, but on another, when you get something you have been trying for ages, it can have meaning beyond words".  

And that is reason enough to revel in this heartfelt work.

You can buy a copy via Etsy:

Review by Nathan Penlington

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Ex Libris

Ex Libris - a collection of unusual historical deaths. 
Alex Brady. 

A5, 28 pages, colour and B&W illustrations.


This is outside of my usual reviewing procedure - I was given this as a present by someone who knows of my love for zines, stories of unusual deaths, and books. Ex Libris, perfectly, and uncannily, combines all three in its "Series of linocut prints inspired by memento mori bookplates that foretell 13 unusual and untimely deaths".

The subjects are varied, historically diverse, and always tragically funny. They include the execution of the Duke of Clarence in a barrel of wine, the Chinese poet who died trying to kiss the reflection of the moon, and the burgomaster who died by tripping over his own beard. 

Ex Libris is witty, smart and well produced - the perfect gift for friends, lovers and potential enemies.

You can buy Ex Libris from Alex via Etsy:

Review by Nathan Penlington

Friday, March 18, 2016

Wise Blood #64

Wise Blood #64
20 pages, digest
Accepts trades, PCP, records, cigarettes, switchblades, etc.
(I say send him at least $1.50 to cover the postage.)

I really liked this one. First, the envelope was a collage. I opened it as I was standing in line to get  coffee. I looked up at the wait person, and looked at the envelop again, and then back at her. She was the spitting image of the collage woman on the envelope, (it was from a famous painting, and I should know who the artist was, but I don't.) Freaky.

Inside was a note written on an artsy postcard. The handwriting was almost illegible. It said the reason for the collage was that he was in a hospital bed due to depression and a nice lady came into to do art therapy with him and he didn't have the heart to tell her no, even though he thinks artists are a bunch of nimrods.

Inside the zine, I was happy to see everything was type written. There were illustrations and it all looked pretty spiffy. The writing was a collection of personal stories, some were directly about mental illness and addiction, and in others the illnesses ran in the background of what could be stories from anyone's life. Very easy to read and very easy to relate to.

He loathes political correctness, refers to women as broads, and is working through some other racial issues. The narrator is anything but one dimensional.

When it was all said and done I thought this guy was pretty close to being a genius. The writing had "flaws" in it, but there were like Stephen King kind of flaws, inserted into what was otherwise outstanding writing. I also noticed that this guy was pretty prolific, with like a hundred issues of this zine and others out there, and from what I saw in this one, they'd be pretty well organized and produced too.

It was very hard to tell whether this dude is just a talented guy with more than his share of problems and a few grammar issues, or if he's just an outstanding writer doing pure fiction and pulling our leg. Probably the former, but In either case it's darn good, and the fact that I can't quite tell for sure one way or the other makes it positively delightful.

1304 175th PL.  NE,
Bellevue WA 98008

review by Jack Cheiky
This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Unknown Voyage

Unknown Voyage
34 pages, digest
full color high quality matte coated paper
$10.00 + postage

Curated by Orion Frantz out of Tucson, and featuring 17 artists in full two-page spreads. The art is diverse. If there is a common thread I'd say it all is somewhat gritty, though my favorite piece by Christine Riebock, (who also does the cover,) is quite lovely; but even that looks like it could be tattoo art.

Limited edition of 50 copies. Great value for the right audience.

Order on LOOSEBONES Web Store

Yu Yu Shiratori
Raquel Craney
Kristian Livas
John Jr.
Brian Arnold
Jake Lehmann
Orion Frantz
Sara Roche
Emery Mott
Chris Velez
Christine Riebock
Matt Wes
Preston Taylor
David Kelling
Kenny Gabe
Cherry Rain
Ronald Stanage

This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mean Girls vs Monsters

Mean Girls vs Monsters
24 pages, digest
black & white illustrations, green card stock cover
$2.50 + postage

One of the more unique and interesting zines I've seen in a while. Mean Girls vs Monsters is both a comic and a coloring book. Brenna Friesner serves up three short stories about what happens when mean high school girls tangle with an assortment of monsters. Weird and strange in the most delightful way, and a little disturbing. Great fun and makes you wonder.

Order on Etsy

Strenuous Stilts - Review by Laura-Marie

Thursday, January 28, 2016

strenuous stilts

This is an art zine by david sait of Canada.  It's beautiful and brief.

I like the colors, the shapes, the feelings, the moods.

I like the chaos of some of the pages.  I like the collage.  Sait's art is greater than the sum of its parts.

Original Post