Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gardening is for Eaters

Gardening is for Eaters
digest, 24 pages, $?
This is Laura-Marie and Ming's new gardening zine. Laura-Marie has been involved with gardens and gardening for much of her life but had found the experience to be mostly frustrating - until now. The gardens she has created and worked on with Ming have given her a newfound passion for gardening and a new level of satisfaction with her gardens. And so to share the excitement, she created this zine. In it she lists all of the plants that are growing in her gardens and includes a brief statement about each one. Then she interviews Ming about permaculture, Jade about food gathering, and Marcus about biointensive farming. This is a fun and informative zine, but it has left me wanting more, so I'm hoping that future issues are in the works.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

RIP Tom Crites

A tribute to Tom Crites [Malefact, Paniscus Revue, Planarian Liberation Army]

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dithering Doodles #5

36 pages, 8.5 x 5.5", $2.00 or trade, Steven Anderson, 259 E 700 S, SLC UT 84111, USA + premiumdeluxe [at] hotmail [dot] com It sure was a pleasant surprise to receive an envelope of zines from Steven, with a real actual hand-written (in texta!) letter and all! He sent me his Dithering Doodles zines #1-5, but for now I'm just gonna write about #5. I really haven't seen a zine like this. It's unique. Usually a zine will be like a perzine, with writing, or a comix zine, or a punk rock zine or whatever - pretty consistent material all the way through. With Dithering Doodles, on the other hand, Steven mixes up cut'n'paste images, doodles, maze puzzles he drew, some very funny comments from his "biggest fan" Donovan (whose father told him to shut up and eat his hamburger sandwich), random thoughts (mostly of a finely twisted humorous bent), and longer diary entry type pages. One of these is about how he lost his job because he was drawing pictures on the inside flaps of cardboard boxes his company was shipping out to customers and one humourless jerk customer complained and wrote to his boss saying, "This guy obviously has too much time on his hands." Another one is about how his karate dojo closed because kids these days are either too busy playing video games, or switching over to mixed martial arts. Then a page about why and how he got into karate. It's all written in a really natural, likeable style. Well, that just covers half the issue. I'm gonna get back to it, then read his back issues to examine the development of this very enjoyable zine, which I recommend to you, reader!