Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dildo #2

via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 1/1/08

Dildo #2 / $2 or trade / :20 / 24M / / PO Box 4803, Baltimore, MD 21211 /

Dildo is one of the first new zines I’ve received to review in a while. I had never heard of it, but I’m glad I received it. Nadja’s style is something that is descriptive and poetic without being too condescending or unapproachable. There are a number of different foci in this issue, which includes rants about eir biracial conundrum (what should ey put down on forms), eir time at the Maryland Film Festival, and a show review concerning The Oranges Band and Hot Hot Heat. The fact that Nadja can go forth and make a show review interesting, for example, to everyone that reads the magazine is a special talent that hopefully will continue in future issues of the magazine. The inclusion of “advertisements” as promotional fliers for movies that were shown at the Maryland Film Festival is a nice touch, and allows individuals to go and see movies that might not normally have had such a large audience. The layout is nice, with a number of different fonts and distractions that can keep individuals interested throughout the entirety of this issue of Dildo. For those people that are into comics, there is a mini comic present in this issue called “Stinky Mike”. The comic may only be a few pages but it is a fun read that lets the magazine coast to the finish line with nary a scratch. Make sure to email Nadja and pick up a copy of this magazine, as it is one of the most original and fun zines I’ve read for a while.

Rating: 7.2/10

Cashiers du Cinemart #14

via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 1/1/08

Cashiers du Cinemart #14 / 1:30 / $5.00 / 92L / PO Box 2401, Riverview MI 48192 / /

I’ve heard of CdC for quite a few years, and I was quite enjoyed when I got a copy of this issue to review. Obviously, the topic fueling this magazine is cinema, and a large section of this focus involves reviewing or otherwise enlightening the general public above movies that they should see. While I came into this zine with a fear that this would be total film-school thesis material, the crew at CdC are very cognoscent of the language they use, trying to keep the reading interesting without being too technical or jargon-laden. The interviewees’ named means absolutely nothing to me, but people like Greydon Clark and John Daniels are incredibly important to those who are currently making movies, and the interviews are both succinct enough and in enough detail that the true importance of these individuals are shown. By far though, the money shot of sorts comes in the massive amount of interviews that CdC thrives on; these aren’t the fifty or hundred-words studies of generality that so many other zines use, but longer and more in-depth views of a movie that makes me want to try to track some of these movies down. Only a few pages of advertisements are to be found in CdC; added to the incredible amount of material, these two factors show CdC as a magazine deserving of your hard-earned $5. And hey, they covered Shock Treatment in detail, as well as enlightening individuals about a movie that never got out of script – the Dieter Movie! A true resource for movie buffs and causal reads alike.

Rating: 8.6/10

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Burn In Hell, Buddy #4

via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 12/28/07

Burn In Hell, Buddy #4 / :30 / 40M /

Burn In Hell, Buddy has always been an excellent zine, and the stylistic change into somewhat of a journal-entry zine is done with care. In this issue, the main story arc revolves around VK and Kelly’s trip down south to Georgia, where they meet up with a band of youths that are camping. The entire experience feels surreal, as the youths both act precisely how the stereotype of a teen in the South “should” act and completely against the grain, in the odd, almost-tolerant way they treat VK and Kelly during their trip. Other lands wait VK and Kelly, and each of the events is enough to maintain the high humor and “can’t put it down” feel of this zine. I mean, where else in zinelandia could individuals read about two “grown-ups” playing a Britney Spears dancing game one page, and being attacked by bugs in New Orleans the next? Aside from the actual text, the way in which VK laid out this issue really aids the flow of the narrative. From a collage of different pictures which make up the front cover, to the narrative-relevant pictures strewn about the zine, the use of the visual in this zine is beyond reproach. The narrative style of the zine is comfortable and never feels like someone is coasting along, trying to kick-start an idea. The episodic nature of this zine, coupled with the oft-humorous tales related, ensure a read that will be enjoyed by all. Make sure to e-mail, rather than write VK about this zine - as one can guess, VK is a wanderer and may not be able to pick up eir mail often.

Rating: 7.0/10

you're an angel, you littl edevil

via she reviews zines by robyn on 1/11/08

(randy robbins)
1/2 letter; 24 pages
$1.00 (po box 17131, anaheim, ca 92817-7131)

a fan zine, this first issue (at least one more is to come) starts a chronology of Devil Girls, the comic creation of Chris Cooper. i struggled to get through this zine. not because of the writing which was really good or the layout, which was about as good as a fan zine can get. my issue was simple: the feminist in me struggles with the Devil Girl imagery. that said, for those who are fans of the drawings, this zine is a must-buy. randy does a great job of cataloging images (both drawn and photographed), and with the promise of more issues, fans should rejoice! i wish i could have gotten into it more because i love learning about new things, but i know that there's tons more people out there who will love this zine than someone like me.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

dream whip no. 11

via paper/xerox/staples by adi on 1/16/08
dream whip no. 11 is one of the best zines I’ve read so far. It details the writer’s cross country trip from Texas to California then back across to New York with wonderful bite-sized stories, most of which are devoted to New York. Each snippet of the journey is filled with musings and little-known facts, well-painted descriptions and injected possibilities. In one piece he describes the evolution of subway car graffiti and how the writers still maneuver around the transit authority’s attempts to “clean” up their cars. Another contemplates an elevator and afterlife. The operator shuttles passengers up and below “like some MTA Charon.” With wit and, what I see as, self-honesty and understanding, dream whip beautifully delivers concise ADHD-suited morsels worth every penny of the 3 dollars it costs.


Hobson's Choice #3

Hobson's Choice #3
Cheeky Observations of Degenerate Life
20 Pages Digest
$1 US, $2 other, Trades

Not much different from the last issue, with a couple notable exceptions. DD does almost all of the writing in this one, and in his opening piece, The Pirates of Cozumel, you get the first real glimpse at his potential. It's a simple 3 page cliche vignette, but it shows promise. The rest is the typical experimental farting around, not terrible, not great. Requisite cut & paste graphics and the cover and centerfold pages are on cool cloudy sky bluestationary paper.

Daniel Dominowski
908 Woodhill Tr
Augusta GA 30909

pretend it didn't happen and maybe it will go away #12

via she reviews zines by robyn on 1/15/08

(bethany hart)
1/2 letter; 24 pages
$2.00, monstershideoutAThotmailDOTcom

this was another hard zine to make it through. again, it was amazing, but i think it just hit close to home. bethany talks about her grandfather, his illness and passing, and the abuse he inflicted on the family. and it's also about her grandmother, about her dad's side of the family, and how the death of the patriarch in their family started to destroy their family bond. so sad and so familiar. for anyone who has gone through family trauma of any kind, this zine will ring true and is a must-read.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Razorcake Review

via Somnambulist Zine by martha grover on 1/11/08
Here is the review of Somnambulist Number nine by Razor cake. Special thanks again to Aron Steinke for his cover art.

$3, 5 ½” x 8”, photocopied, ? pgs.

By Kurt Morris
Monday, November 26 @ 19:17:19 CST

This issue of Somnambulist primarily deals with Martha’s health issues, including the stress of working on her feet all day in a deli. She visits a couple of doctors to figure out what is wrong with her and also shares some stories not related entirely to the subject. They include a conversation with Peter Bauer and a story about a very strange guy in her life. There is also a piece by her friend Kyle. I really like the cover art of a little girl chewing on a handgun and the layout is simple but it works for me. It’s an interesting read with many parts coming across as Burn Collector-esque. Not bad, not bad. –Kurt Morris (PO Box 14871, Portland, OR97293)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dachau Tour Guide #1


via NeuFutur Magazine by admin on 1/10/08

I received this from Clamor Magazine, who wanted me to review it. I am, so much later that it isn’t even funny anymore. I’m sorry, guys. This is your average zine, really. Prose pieces about farming and Jessica, the editor’s, life lead into poetry about white bread. Heavy focus is on her ex-boyfriend, which she makes sure that her audiences knows that “She’s not over yet”, and also on her faith, Judaism. I want to gush with positive sentiments about this magazine, but I just simply can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve read this zine already, but it was called various other things and done by countless other authors. Having dated a Jewish girl, this just seems to be common ground, and as a result, I’ve heard this time and time again. The only thing that I can not cheap praising is the discussion on the lasst actual page, where Jessica goes and describes why she shouldn’t be called bisexual, specifically that it “reduces my attractions to people to a merely physical level on a dualistically gendered plane, and this simplifies the infinite levels and facets of interactions that people can have for one another”. Perhaps this last page will bode well for the future of this magazine. I mean, it was fun to read, but it just doesn’t do anything intense for me. If you want a copy, send $1 to DTG, 85 E.Phary #4A, Brooklyn NY 11238.

Rating : 3.4/10


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Zine Review: The Strange Voyage of the Leona Joyce


via paper/xerox/staples by Mike on 1/5/08
44 pages, mostly text, with 8 photos and 4 drawings.

This compelling zine relays a true-story tale about some friends and a dog that commit to navigate the Mississippi River together for a few months. The narrator and his chums take their ride on a tiny handmade vessel built with found objects scavenged from dumpsters and junkyards. The crew boldly takes their place on the big muddy river amid the chaos of modern commercial barges and luxury cruise ships. Within the story are some feel-good moments and some not-so-fun adventures. Emergencies creep in. For this reader, sitting upon her cushy chair in a climate-controlled room, the narrative is rich. Words reveal that the river is not entirely romantic and tame. After a breakdown on the river, the zine’s author writes a little gem in his log book, “I put the engine together last night by lantern and maglight held in my teeth. It is much nicer to hold a maglight in your mouth if you wrap some duct tape around the end so your teeth have something better to bite on than metal… As long as it keeps running, I’m happy.” So REAL with detail, isn’t it? I recommend this zine to all of those DIY types who crave adventure.

We carry this zine so email us. -Mike