zine, [zeen] noun. 1. abbr. of fanzine; 2. any amateurly-published periodical. Oxford Reference


Site Info



All opinions expressed here are those of the individual.

Mission statement:

1. Facilitate the distribution and acquisition of (print) zines and related.

2. Be
as low maintenance and sustainable as possible.


quazipseudo at g mail

Guidelines for Submissions:

STAPLE a page with all contact and ordering information to the zine. Non-stapled cover letters often get lost or tossed out with the packaging.

How We do Reviews

Our staff review material at their discretion. Each reviewer has a bio page stating preferences for types of material they do and do not want to receive. If in doubt, contact them before sending. Everyone is their own boss. There is variation in reviewers’ styles and objectivity. Zines are frequently sent to more than one reviewer for additional opinions, and ANYONE can add their own comments to any review, rebuttals are welcome. Reviewers have the right to opt out of reviewing materials for any reason, for example, hate propaganda, or material submitted with no contact or order information. Again, we have no official policy about these things, but each reviewer adheres to their own conscience and better judgment.

Editors Notes / Last Will & Testament

I become unable to run this site, I hope someone will step up and take over.

To this end, our senior staff all have editorial access to the site. In the unlikely case that more than one person wants the job, the staff can elect whoever they feel most suited.

I created this site the way it is intentionally in response to changing times and the impact of the internet on zines. Finding zines can be tricky, especially for consumers who are not directly involved in the zine community. The flow of information shifts course frequently on the web. Zine review sites come and go.

I have tried to create a forum that is simple to maintain. Primarily this means finding people who are already doing reviews, and syndicating them. I have tried to make it as attractive as possible for people to want to network and share resources.

I keep my personal opinions and politics out of the business end of things.


In the beginning, I searched the web obsessively for material to reproduce. I was naive and could have pissed people off. My intentions were good, and I think people recognized that. I saw a need, and I attempted to fill it. I've received almost zero flack over the years. Here is a log of the complaints I've received since our start in 2007.

- - - - - Transparency Dept - - - - -


1. Maximum Rock & Roll
2. The Cimmerian


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