Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Somewhere Btwn

Somewhere Btwn
#16, 20 pages, - $_5, digest
#17, 16 pages, - $10, large
#20, 20 pages, - $_5, digest
#21, 20 pages, - $_5, digest
All prices ppd

Florida artist/musician, Dan Gorostiaga, used to make large, one of a kind works of art. Now he pours his artist self into art zines, (and music.) Cool stuff. Email him before sending money, to check stock and get address.

www marginalmanworks com

review by Jack Cheiky
This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


20 pages, digest
Accepts trades, PCP, records, cigarettes, switchblades, etc.
(I say send him a couple bucks to cover the postage.)

This one is a collaboration between Fishspit (of Wiseblood zine,) and Serena "Aika" Pruess, (of Cooncat Creations.) Art, collage, and prose. It's primarily about pets, but there's also something about an encounter with a furry hippo, (either fiction or hallucination,) and also a piece about cute girls in school and how he got the name Fishspit.

Aika does anthropomorphized animal cartoons, or "furries." Fishspit does awesome collage work, and writes stuff that you can never really tell how much is autobiographical, how much is fiction, and how much is delusion. He goes off the reservation in a way that few could get away with, but it works for him. He's never boring.

1304 175th PL.  NE,
Bellevue WA 98008

also check out


review by Jack Cheiky
This zine is being donated to the Cleveland Zine Library after review.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Back home and broke

Back home and broke by Jacob Louis Beaney 

A5 - 44 pages. 


This was one of the zines I picked up at the recent DIY Cultures event in London. It is a funny and honest look at how it feels to be forced to return to living with your parents as an adult. In telling that story Back home and broke also explores the state of the widespread poverty in UK post recession, in the grip of brutal Tory cuts to essential services, and what it means to be university educated and working class in the face of large scale unemployment. 

A lot of this zine resembles parts of my own life, so it was always going to work for me, but I genuinely feel it deserves a wide readership - if only to remind people of this truism:

"I would say class isn't indicative of your quality as a person, twats can be found in all stratospheres of the class system".  

Buy a copy here: etsy.com/uk/listing/271168185/back-home-and-broke

Check out other Hickathrift zines and things on Etsy: etsy.com/uk/shop/HickathriftPress

Review by Nathan Penlington

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Tramp by Julius Smit / Eyeglass


A5 - 48 pages


Tramp is a mediation on the paths we trace through urban and rural landscapes, exploring how walking is shaped by memory and habit. A combination of black and white photographs and poetic text work together to produce a contemplative zine that forces a new focus on the streets, pavements, paths, alleys and byways that have been shaped by the histories of past journeys. Chance is something that is central to my own work, so the encouragement to wander off from your personal path is something that struck a chord.

It is a well produced zine, that rewards time spent in its company. Buy a copy, pack it in your bag, get lost in a new town, and enjoy the journey.  

Check out Julius' work here: juliussmit.co.uk

Order a copy here: eyeglassphotozines.tictail.com/product/tramp

Review by Nathan Penlington

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Screever - Issue 9

The Screever - Issue 9, spring 2016

A6, 56 photocopied pages.


This is the third issue of The Screever that I've read - my review of the last issue holds true: I still love The Screever

It is the perfect distillation of what makes zines great. Where else would you find - an interview with IDestroy, a RiotGrrl punk inspired band from Bristol; an interview with Dead Bride Comics artist Dan Barnes on his wrestling themed Blood Stained Canvas; instructions on how to make a pin-hole camera; a recipe for mini oat pizzas; a feature on the West Midlands skating scene; an interview with illustrator Bodie H. about his Choose Your Own Adventure inspired zines (which sound right up my street!); and a pile of reviews of old and new bands - all in one place? 

It is the belief in sharing a personal range of interests and issues, reaching out to other people who have something to say, and putting it out in the world to connect with others. That is what zines are about for me. And that is what The Screever does so well. And it does it all for £1. A pound! There isn't much that is great that you can buy for a pound. And of those things, a bag of Haribo, and The Screever, are at the top of the list.  

Review by Nathan Penlington

Friday, June 10, 2016

Zines and zines and zines

It has been a good few weeks for acquiring new zines. 

I've been sent quite a few submissions directly, plus I picked up a good haul at DIY Cultures in east London. It was a great event, almost too full of people at times, with some fantastic alternative, radical zines alongside art and comic zines. It is heartening to see London still has a thriving diy scene, despite the heavy boots of corporate capitalism squashing almost everything interesting.  

And then a huge package arrived from my friend Guy J Jackson, who visited the LA Zine Fest and gathered a brilliant array of stuff for me to plough through. 

So, reviews are coming, apologies if the backlog means they have been a little slow. 

Saying all that, I always welcome new zines. 

(The floor in the photos is the floor in my office that is so full of holes it is in the process of being replaced. I don't think I've lost any zines in the move, but if you are waiting on a review from me and it isn't up in the next two weeks give me an electronic prod!)