Friday, April 30, 2010

Phatsville Comix #14

via Blackguard on 4/6/10

A great whopping chunk of Aussie comix here. 86 pages! (Isn't that exceeding the Aussie comix page limit?)
[Much later...] I've tried ten times to write the next part of this review but I can't do it. I think I have a problem writing reviews of comix anthologies because I make one. I want to say this is great because it's got some really great stuff in it, like the Ben Hutchings strip, and new discovery (for me), Mel Stringer. Then I wanna say that there's some lame stuff in here too. Well, it's an anthology! That's what you get. I know it and you know it. And maybe I'm biased because I want MY anthology to be the best one. (It is actually. And I'm not being biased there.) I really do wish I LOVED everything in this issue, but some of the stuff in here, I wanna do a poop on the page. It's like the editor only ran it because his brother or cousin or step-sister drew it. Or maybe he owes his dealer money and his dealer likes drawing, so you know, he got rid of his debt by printing something he or she (the dealer) drew between weighing up ounces and buying another gold chain, or whatever. You know what I mean?
Well, the best I can do here is put up some of my favourite pages and you be the judge. You should get it, see, because there's some cool shit in here! What do I know anyway? What does anybody know? That's MY opinion, that's YOUR opinion, and I can agree, or inform you that your taste is up your arse. I like Starship Troopers, but YOU don't so that means YOU don't know shit. Starship Troopers was awesome and if you don't agree, then you're an idiot. But only about that movie, see? We both like Ghost World, so you know your stuff, on that count!
So, pretty good review, eh?
Back of the net.

[86pages, digest size, $?, Giles Kilham, 396 Ferguson Road, Norman Park QLD 4170, AUSTRALIA ]


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

The guy who wrote this, one Shannon Colebank, says it best: "The so-called 'reviewers' who will inevitably purposely take a few ... #2, $3ppd., 8½" x 11", 35 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

As the title suggests, this is a zine about women in science. It's made by a biochemistry graduate student from country-region ... #1, $2, 8½" x 11", Xeroxed, 34 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

Most of this was pretty funny or at least entertaining-much like watching my cats fight one another-so no harm here. ... #20, $2, 8½" x 11", copied, 80 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

I sometimes wish I'd been raised in the U.K., because then I could use awesome count ... $5, 7½" x 10½", 35 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

Kind of all over the place, but interesting, and not too incoherent. ... Vol. 2, #'s 3-6, $?, 8½" x 11", folded a few times


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

Based out of the East Bay area, the zine covers Miss Oblivious's life and times, including her punk rock wedding ceremony, some ... Winter 2005, $?, 8½" x 5½", copied, 48 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

What can I say about this one? It's massive, impeccably laid out, in full-color-but is restrained and tasteful in its use of sai ... #64, $4.50, glossy/perfect-bound, 140 pgs.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

So Danny goes to thrift stores looking for old yearbooks. When he finds one, he sketches twenty-four pages worth of the people i ... #5, $1 or stamps, 4" x 5", 24 pgs.

Candy or Medicine Vol. 9 and Collections Out Now.

Candy or Medicine Volume Nine is out now. Sixteen quarter-sized pages of more mini-comic madness featuring the likes of daring Daniel McEwen, captivating Cameron Callahan, west coast sensation Alex Chiu, robot
bunnies from Joseph Carlough, the mighty mighty Maggie Morrill, an
inspiring tale by Sean Steward, anthropomorphic breakfast food by Danny
Ferbert and Sarah Bunker and an abstract comic by Tyler Stafford. Plus
a radical cover by jovial Jonny Smeby. All ages.

Order at or


And another new one: Collections is a collection (pun intended) of comics conceived while I worked as a bill collector. Includes a special "Bill Collector Bingo" game and a back cover illustration by JB Sapienza. Eight quarter-sized
pages. Order at

Friday, April 23, 2010

Editor Stuff

you may have noticed a new format here for re-posting material from other sites. rather than forwarding whole articles, i have been providing links to the original posts. it's about the same amount of work, but it keeps this page looking neater, and i feel better about sending the traffic to the originators, (even though no one has ever complained, except one big commercial rag one time.) let me know what you think.

quazipseudo at "g" mail

the burly man blusteringly explains

i found this old excerpt... thought it was funny.
Day Two's more subdued, at least until Angelz & Rebelz editor Jack Csiki pisses off the anti-copyright seminar by spewing, "If someone sends me a letter, I'll print it. It doesn't matter if it's personal; they know I do a zine. I don't give a fuck about the ethics; I just want to know if I can get sued." Later, in the selling area, the burly man blusteringly explains his logic: "This is my life. If you tell me a secret, I might print it. Tough shit. Cause it's part of my psyche once you tell me. And it makes for much more interesting reading."
Marc Spiegler's notes from the 1995 Chicago Underground Press Conference

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Altered postcards

Altered postcards Mailart show in Stockholm
from Mail Art Projects by (derkert)

Spectacular sights – Postcards of places yet to be seen

After the success of the collage postcard project September 2009, Cut & Paste, we now make a call for altered postcards of famous tourist sights from all over the world.
All incoming cards will be published on this website and exhibited in Gallery KG52, Stockholm 14/8 – 29/8 2010.

* cards should have the usual postcard format
* they should show an altered tourist attraction
* all techniques are welcome
* cards have to be posted before 15 May 2010

For more information check out the website:

Edvard Derkert Gallery KG52, Stockholm

Submissions for a Woody Guthrie Fanzine =)

from We Make Zines by Monika Nunez

Because he's too great, his music is powerful in so many ways. need i say more?

personal drawings, poetry, writings about him (interesting facts, favorite songs, why, or just your feelings about him as a greaat fan!


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

Arwen does a pretty good job with this story. ... #2, $.25, 5 ½ x 8 ½, xeroxed, silk-screened cover, 8 pgs.

Xerography Debt

Watch the Closing Doors #50 and Brooklyn! #67

Scenes of America and ed markowski – 15 poems


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

Fleshies with no "the"/ hyphenation distracts me/ when it's not needed. ... #17, $2, newsprint with heavy stock cover, 48 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

It made me excited about Australian punk rock. ... #5, $8, 5 ½ x 8 ½, xeroxed, color cover, 88 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

Weird and hard to follow. ... #0.8, $1, 8 1/2 X 11, photocopied, 2 pgs.

Friday, April 16, 2010

letterpress and screenprinted zine about Pittsburgh

letterpress and screenprinted zine about Pittsburgh
from Etsy Shop for artnoose

Hey yinz!

I got my letterpress working here in Pittsburgh, but just enough to print the cover to Ker-bloom! #70. The insides are some comics I made about home-buying in the Iron City, and I screenprinted them in a variety of colors at Artist Imaging Resource, a non-profit art center on the North Side.

8 pages, 4.25x5.5" folded.

functionally ill 7

Functionally ill 7 is now available for trade.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

It's this type of weird, spirited obsession that so imbues the world of zines and self-publishing. ... $?, 5 ½" x 8 ½", copied, 21 pgs.

Spunk Comix & Kozmik Kaper Komix

Spunk Comix & Kozmik Kaper Komix by Dexter Cockburn 32 pages both, digest size, The Comix Company, 102-1169 Nelson St, Vancouver BC V6E 1J3, Canada

Like a bacon sandwich, there's a lot of porking going on here. It seems to all be done in some kind of loving tribute to '70s underground comix. Dexter even notes the publishing years as 1970, 1977, etc. Some of the scenarios also have that atmosphere of '70s 'stag films' featuring moustachioed pool cleaners and pizza delivery boys, but Dexter also throws in sci-fi elements, with muddle-brained spaceship captains and nymphomaniac, Swedish ball-breasted aliens. There's a lot happening, and it's all drawn in a very appealing style.


Reviewer Stuart Stratuhas been Publisher of Sick Puppy Comix , Atomiser, and now Blackguard. Loves to review both comix and zines.

Stuart Stratu
PO Box 93
Paddington NSW 2021

New Zines Up!

via Everyone's Blog Posts - We Make Zines by Ms Valerie Park Distro on 3/29/10
A few new ones up...
Loose Lips Sink Ships (Zine) ($2)- In Loose Lips, Ms May delves into the dangerous territory of the make-out zine; a genre that gets a lot of flack, yes, (and usually rightfully so), but this, like all her zines, is done really well and focused in a way that changes it into something else entirely. A short description for each of the sixty-nine different people she has kissed- in part as an exercise in remembrance, in part an escape from residual Christian guilt, and a memoir of dealing with body image/self image. It's also occasionally kinda hot.
Nadar (Zine) ($1)- This beautifully-made, short zine from Sarah May (These Here Are Crazy Times) is about being a swimming coach. Over-involved parents who flip, ruminations on jobs, boundaries, swim meets.
Shortandqueer #8 (Zine) ($2)- This issue starts about comfronting pronoun mistakes within the trans community and gives a great defense for why gender fluidity should exist, but pronoun preferences should always be respected. The rest unfolds in journal entries and letters and is the story of figuring out gender presentation in adulthood. For me, this read like a suspense novel- I wanted to know what would happen next, how would he deal with a world that's uncomfortable with gender changes, how will his family react? I think this serves as a pretty important story, as, in a certain way, I think it can speak to people at all levels of understanding/dealing/allying with trans issues.
Shortandqueer #10 (Zine) ($2)- Subtitled "The Reawakening of My Baseball Fandom," this issue hooked me. A zine about baseball?!? I'd never seen such a thing. Little known fact: baseball was my life for the majority of my pre-teen years. While reading this, my long-dead baseball fandom was also reawakened; it was great. But this zine is also about more than just baseball. It's about growing up not doing what is expected of your assigned gender. It's about rediscovering a relationship with his dad through sports. It's about having access to "dude centered spaces" through baseball fandom and the mixed feelings that brings up. It's also got an insert called "Prejudice in Baseball," which is a paper he wrote in 8th grade about the Negro Leagues, which has quotes from former Negro League players he'd made friends with as a kid. Highly recommended.
Ms Valerie Park Distro
Newsletter for March
Mailing List
Etsy Page


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

This magazine is put together by a dude who, like the rest of us, is feeling a little light in the pockets and heavy in the hear ... $3, 5 ½'' x 8 ½'', photocopied, 36 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

He begins to call this lifestyle into question as the stock market crashes, the taxi business slows, and he's hardly making ... #7, $?, Photocopied, 5 ½" x 8 ½"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Anton's Got A Brand New Blog

via Blackguard on 3/28/10

   Hey! Check out Anton Emdin's new blog!

'My normal portfolio site ( only holds a few works in each category, so this new site will be my depository for all the other illustrations that never see the light of internet. I intend to post more of the process (thumbs, sketches, inks etc), review art materials, and hopefully do a tutorial or two down the track.
Please feel free to track it using RSS and leave a comment if you feel compelled.

Call For Submission Issue #3 of When Language Runs Dry

from We Make Zines by Meredith Butner

We want to hear your perspective on Chronic Pain. We are looking for anyone interested in submitting writing or easy-to-reproduce visual art/comics on the subject and experience of Chronic Pain.

Zervakis, Jenny

via Optical Sloth by Whitey on 3/26/10

Website where you can buy her new (as of 2010) comic

Where you can buy #14 1/2

Online comic


1305 Green St. Durham, NC 27705

Super Growths: Strange Growths Sampler #1-6

Every once in a while I hit one of these nostalgic old mini comic reviews at the right time: John Porcellino (yes, THAT John Porcellino) is distributing Jenny's first new issue of Strange Growths in 6 years (#15).  That's great, as this is another mini from 1993 and it had me wondering if it was a complete waste of time to list it.  The good news is that I also found a place to buy another issue from her online (links to both are above) so, while it's not necessarily convenient and it wouldn't hurt to have more comics available, at least you can buy a few of her books easily.  This is a sampler of her older comics, so the art is a little rough on occasion, but the genuine heart in these stories more than makes up for it.  Pieces in here include getting a growth removed from the face of her brother (twice, and it just occurred to me that that may be where the name for the mini came from), inflamed balls on the bus, changing seasons, dealing with self-help, learning (and dealing out) cruelty at an early age, getting hit on by morons, the story of their old dog, somebody selling double yolk eggs door to door, trying to remember the name of a very odd food item, the artificial water flower, the upkeep of gardens, a restaurant conversation, a comet and how it ruined the world for a young boy, a true monster, and one longer piece that is too beautiful for me to even say anything about it.  Take that as a cop-out if you'd like.  Like I said, this sure seems out of print to me.  Maybe you could have a little more luck in your digging, but all I could find were the two issues…

Strange Growths #14 1/2

I'm always amazed when I read a comic from somebody like Jenny (who I've been reading for years) and see that they don't have a page on my website. It's completely because I haven't seen anything new from her for years, and I don't even know if this is new, but you can still get it at USSCatastrophe, so I guess that makes it still viable. She's one of those people that I just ate up back in the day, completely taken by the sheer beauty of the prose. In other words, if you find yourself in a place where you can get a bunch of her old minis, for the love of all that's holy do it. This one is a shortie with dreams she had while pregnant. Fascinating stuff, and it's too short for me to ruin it by telling you what it's about. Which is sort of a cop-out, I guess, but if you already know who this is and didn't know this issue was out you won't need much convincing. $1.50

New Art Zine

via Everyone's Blog Posts - We Make Zines by Liu Ying-Chieh on 3/27/10

Printed in 2010.
Reproduction of my drawings during September, October, November 2009.

The original is by silver gel pen on sketchbook with black pages in A6 size.
I use black ink to print the book, but it will look like silver graphics on black pages.

Black and white digital printing by HP Indigo.
Saddle-stich binding.
120 gsm galvanised silver Curious Metallics paper.
A5 size(14.6cmx21cm).
16 pages.
Limited edition, numbered.

© Ying-Chieh Liu


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

I love how he makes fun of cheesy hardcore shows, but-like the rest of us-was there nonetheless. ... #6, Free, 6 ½" x 8 ½", Photocopied, 30 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

This belongs tacked up to the wall somewhere in your house. ... 50 cents or a stamp, 8 ½" x 14", photocopied, 1 pg.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zine Pictures!

via flip flopping joy by brownfemipower on 4/7/10

I just figured out how to get my pictures uploaded on this computer–here are some pictures of the latest zine! Above is the paper copy, below is the bound copy!


via Crg Hill's poetry scorecard by Crg Hill on 4/12/10

DEADLINE: August 1st, 2010

Mail Art received will be exhibited at SKYLAB in downtown Columbus OH USA during August 2010 during the Avant Writing Symposium at The Ohio State University (symposium is being organized by my spouse, John M Bennett- curator of the Avant Writing Collection-part of OSU library's Rare Books & MSS Library).  As a tribute to John, who will retire from OSU sometime around the end of this year, SKYLAB will concurrently exhibit a retrospective of JMB's visual poetry. Our son, John Also Bennett, the main curator for SKYLAB, will install JMB's vispo show, and I'll install the mail art show & do the documentation. A collaboration table set up by Jim Leftwich and other performances will happen at SKYLAB Saturday night (time TBA) August 21st during the Avant Writing Symposium- so some participants from the OSU Avant Writing Symposium will be there and will see the mail art show...and may even send in their own contributions. Hopefully, I'll have lists of addresses available as handouts to anyone who might want to start or carry on m.a. correspondences with participants in the m.a. show. Feel free to include blog or website addresses you'd like to share, along with your mailing address or email address.


Mail Art Vispo contribution(s) (no size limits; no quantity limits; no returns; All will eventually become part of the Avant Writing Collection at OSU) to:

C Mehrl Bennett
137 Leland Ave
Columbus OH 43214 USA

AND/OR send jpeg attachment under 2 megabytes to


DEADLINE: August 1st, 2010

Documentation to all who include their return address or email address. 

ERCZXL - Anti Comix For The Jellyfish Generation!

via Blackguard on 3/26/10

Here's some news. Yves Albrechts (AKA Kapreles) has started a new project: ERCZXL - Anti Comix For The Jellyfish Generation!
"9 people out of 10 prefer ERXZXL anti-comics above a nasty itch on a bodypart they cannot reach! That says something, don't you think?"


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

I've waited a long time to read a lengthy Christ On Parade interview and Fluke delivers! ... #8, $4.00, 5 ½" x 8 ½",printed, 68 pgs.


from Razorcake RSS Zine Reviews Feed

This belongs tacked up to the wall somewhere in your house. ... 50 cents or a stamp, 8 ½" x 14", photocopied, 1 pg.

Birthday Bitch

via Blackguard on 3/25/10

Pretty simple story here on the surface - Mandy catches a train into the city to meet some friends for dinner. The whole thing takes place over about an hour. She races through the railway station and just barely makes her train. On the train she goes to grab her book outta her bag, but she left it at home. What a shit not having anything to read for a forty-five minute train ride. But then she spots a newspaper, so that's okay. The story takes a nasty turn when a bunch of obnoxious teenagers get on the same carriage and sit right near her, the loudest and most cretinous in the seat behind her. It's tense as hell. ... She does make it to the city to meet her friends, but the ending where one friend asks her how was the train trip, and her reply, is downplayed and so subtle, it won't leave you in a hurry. Awesome stuff. Get it.

[96 pages, half-digest size, $?, Mandy Ord, PO Box 426, Eltham VIC 3095, AUSTRALIA ordmandy at yahoo dot com dot au ]