Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Art for the Millions-Zine of the Week


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Art For The Millions-The Legacy of the WPA is a beautiful interesting zine that includes a cd(yip!)
What is the WPA? Work Progress Administration, gave work to idle workers and artist during the Great Depression. This zine includes a history of the WPA as well as info on l those great works of art and spaces and where you can find them right here in Portland, Oregon. Put out by Dill Pickle Club, a great Portland organization!
Only eight dollars and can be found right here at In Other Words(in the zine section, of course!)


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The Caddy


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The Caddy Malcy Duff

Malcy Duff tells me he has a new 32-page comic, The Caddy, out now and available from his Missing Twin website. Cherry coloured cats may be involved.

The Caddy cherry coloured cats Malcy Duff

(art by and (c) Malcy Duff)


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Pie Zine #1: Zine Trade


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via tiny paper hearts by tinypaperhearts on 3/27/10

This week we received a zine trade from the brand new sydney based zine PIE zine.

PIE zine is the brainchild of Maisie and Rosie two lovely Sydney gals. Filled with articles, movie reviews, musings, photographs, art works, recipes and so much more! This is a juicy and satisfying read, you can tell a lot love and work has been put into it. Needless to say we are pretty excited to see what these gals make next.

These guys have been busy sharing the love, so if you are a sydney sider you can pick up a copy from the following places:

- BUZZBAR, 349 King St, Newtown
- CAFÉ ELLA (upstairs), 274 Abercrombie Street, Redfern
- I RAN THE WRONG WAY , 378 Cleveland St, Surry Hills

Find PIE zine online at:
PIE on Facebook
PIE zine Blogspot
PIE Etsy store

Also, trades are welcome!

The next issues theme is ILLUSION. So get writing, drawing, snapping, whatever it is that you fine people do and submit to PIE zine.

Thanks so much for the trade PIE ladies!

That's it, enjoy your weekend/life people.


Not to sound like a desperado, but PLEASE send zine trades to us, we want to trade with you and our minds and mail box are so hungry for new zines and we will always send you lots of treats back.

P.O. Box 392

Filed under: Zine Trade, Zines Tagged: Pie Zine, zine trades


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"these are the nights that make us feel we belong"


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via the juniper bends as if it were listening by juniperbug on 3/4/10

I made a noise album. It's something I've been wanting to do since I was a youngster delivering newspapers and day- dreaming of a brighter future. I don't know what took me so long. I guess I figured that I needed lots of fancy, expensive equipment; but no, you can make noise with anything really. This is experimental music that I made with my guitar, amplifiers, distortion pedals, tape recorders, typewriter, mouth and various other things. Some of it has a melodic, song-like quality to it, other parts are just chaotic. I call my noise project Hot Virus, and my first release is called Science, part 1. It's 8 tracks (22.5 minutes) on a mini-disc. You can purchase one if you'd like to (or just send some kind of trade). The cost is $2 or whatever. Send orders/requests to:
Dan Murphy, PO Box 363, Edwardsville IL, 62025, USA
Also, music by my one-man pop punk band, The Mildews, was recently featured in a short film made by No Fun Films called Bike Tunnels. You should check it out. The film discusses a pretty interesting concept.
Make music and stuff.


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via PrettyFakes by gorjus on 3/12/10


Sandusky Review no. 5
Edition of 54 hand-assembled artifacts; 88 pages, with poems, essays, an introductory tribute, and sketches and drawings of comestibles and combustibles ranging from gyoza to cheap champagne.

Poetry Editor: Professor Fury
Art Editor: Lula
SR Digital Editor: Dave Ashes
Cover Printed by: Lotus Editions at 121 Millsaps, Jackson, Miss.
Layout Guidance: Walter Biggins
Artist's Representation: Light + Glass Studio
John Lennon's Saving Grace: Yoko Ono
Life Coach: Sally J. Nordan
Screen image generated by: Mississippi Screenprint, Jackson, Miss.
Cover paper: Arches cold press 140 lb.
Paper & deckle ruler purchased from: Art Supply Headquarters, Jackson, Miss.
Total of various costs, not including labor: $151
Price of each artifact: $5 or trade in stamps or Polaroid film (preferably 600)



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SR5: Sampler Platter.


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via PrettyFakes by gorjus on 3/16/10

I've still got to scan the rest of the Sandusky Review—which are always available digitally and as a physical artifact—but a few folks have emailed asking about what the guts look like. Well, 88 pages of this wrapped of in a custom screenprint of Yoko Ono.


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Le Dernier Cri- Hopital Brut 9


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via ( o ) ( o ) by (( o )) on 3/18/10

Based in France, these masters of over-the-top, uncensored, weird, silkscreen works of art have put together the most insane publication I have ever been a part of. It's elaborate, thick as bricks, has countless colors, includes fold-out posters and a mini book too. It's no surprise that it is already sold-out. I have 4 pages in Hopital Brut 9, including two collaborations with AJ Purdy and one with Owen Plummer.


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The Kids Issue #2 (for parents & carers) SPECIAL EDITION - $10.00


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via mixtapezine on 3/2/10

release date APRIL 18 - pre-selling now Cover By Jess Greenfield Ok so it's not for kids its for parents/carers/family members... It contains some crafty things to do with little ones LIKE- Tooth Pillow Tutorial Paper Doll Action Kids Quilt It has a story on Post Natal Depression Also what it's like to find out you're going to be a DAD~ Cool things to do in the garden with kids ACE kids books Very COOL colouring in page Mathilda's Market Stallholder profiles Nappy - cloth/disposable Reusable Baby Wipes Sweet As & some very ACE mum/business women profiles & much more 48pages FULL COLOUR $10 NOT PART OF SUBSCRIPTIONS


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Indie Rock Coloring Book - $18.00


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via mixtapezine on 3/2/10

The coloring book offers an interactive and colorful journey of creativity, artistic expression, music, and charity. Andy J. Miller, a talented illustrator, collaborated with YBP to produce this unique expression of art and music. Wiggle yourself through the intricate Broken Social Scene maze, marvel in the colourful carnival of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, color Bon Iver's enchanted water supply, or slide down the psychedelic playground of MGMT. Profits from this colourful venture will go towards The Yellow Bird Project and the charities they support. With over 25 hand-illustrated designs dedicated to indie and YBP musicians, including Iron & Wine, Bloc Party, The National and Devendra Banhart, this book is a sure fire pleaser. Oh and no rules here, we even encourage you stay outside the lines! THE BANDS: Au Revoir Simone Bloc Party Bon Iver Broken Social Scene Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Devendra Banhart Elvis Perkins Grizzly Bear Hayden Holly Throsby Joseph Arthur K-OS King Creosote Laura Veirs Little Boots Metric My Brightest Diamond New Pornographers Of Montreal Ra Ra Riot Rilo Kiley Stars The Dears The Magic Numbers The National The Shins Wolf Parade Wolfmother


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Mimi’s Doughnuts Zine #19


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via Marek's Blog on by Marek on 3/13/10

Fall 2009 + Winter-Spring 2010 28 pages7″ x 8.5″$3.00 (+ $1.00 shipping) This issue features a complete 24 hour comic on health and healthcare, drawn during 24 Hour Comics Day 2009. Read sample pages at COMICS INTERNATIONAL Subscriber copies mail w/ insert "SEEDS: Winter" mini-comic (Subscription Information)


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Scalped – bloody, brutal and brilliant


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Scalped issue 34

by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guéra



Scalped is the fantastic creator owned series written by Jason Aaron with the majority of the artwork drawn by R.M. Guéra.  The book is based mainly around the exploits of an undercover FBI agent operating within a Native American reservation.

This issue is the final issue of the five-part "The Gnawing" arc and it's exactly the way you expect one of the best books on the market to finish its best story to date.  It starts as it means to go on – answering questions and leaving a bloody trail in its wake.  The beating on the very first page is nothing compared to what we see later on in the issue and as usual Aaron uses the violence to drive his story forwards rather than to just fill his page count.

A true sign of Aaron's writing skill is how readers have learnt to love Dash Bad Horse, Scalped's main protagonist no matter what his actions. His actions in this issue, though more brutal than usual, will merely re-affirm most people's feelings about him. Aaron's ability to blur the lines between heroes and villains in Scalped, coupled with an awareness of exactly how and when to use a good twist means that this culmination of 34 issues sees every plot twist and brilliant piece of careful characterisation come together perfectly.


(Brutal, unforgiving Dash Bad Horse, leaving a trail of blood behind in his secret mission. From Scalped, written by Jason Aaron, art by R.M. Guéra, publkished DC/Vertigo)

R.M. Guéra's art gets better and better, ideally suited to the story and the dark colours from Giulia Brusco only help to cement the tone of this great book.  Guéra truly brings the brutality of both Red Crow and Dash to life, and his ability to draw Dash at his scariest and yet being able to make him look calmer than we have seen him in a long time is truly an impressive thing to do.

All in all this is another brilliant issue of Scalped cementing it's place at the top of my buy pile.  There are six collections available and all are essential catching up.  We are apparently at the mid-point with this series and this is certainly a book you do not want to miss as it reaches the build up to what we know will be a ridiculously good and bloody finale.

Michael Gee

The latest issue of Scalped; #34 is available from March 25th. There are already 5 collected volumes of the series for your reading pleasure, with Volume 6, containing this issue due in May 2010 – all volumes are available here.


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Diamond #5 is on Kickstarter


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via Floating World Comics by jason on 3/13/10

At Floating World Comics, one of our goals is to bring new and exciting art to comics fans who are looking for something new. In 2008 I started publishing a FREE comics newspaper called Diamond Comics. Equally inspired by Fort Thunder's Paper Rodeo and international art magazines like Faesthetic or Rojo, Diamond features experimental art and comics from around the world.

The majority of the print run is given away free in Portland, at coffee shops, records stores, bars, and other venues. I love the fact that someone might find this mysterious art object at a coffee shop and wonder how it got there. Just as Paper Rodeo inspired me when I first saw a copy, I hope Diamond will do the same for a new generation.

I'm excited to announce a number of cool changes for the fifth issue of Diamond Comics.

First of all the print run is quintupling from 2000 to 10,000 copies, and 9000 of those will be included as a FREE insert in the April 21st 'Comics Month' issue of the Portland Mercury! The remaining 1000 will be distributed through the shop, the artists and sponsors, FREE at local cafes, bars and shops, and through other cool stores internationally. That issue of the Mercury will also feature Stumptown Comics Fest coverage which is that weekend (April 24-25), so we're expecting to reach maximum eyeballs.

Secondly the entire issue will be FULL COLOR.

Finally, we're going to have repeat artists for the first time. I had an unofficial rule where I wasn't repeating artists in Diamond. Which is cool because there's so much great art out there. But also it's odd because that prevents us from working with the artists we loved from past issues. Isn't that how anthologies develop a following? So to celebrate the new format and the new distribution with the Mercury, we're putting our best foot forward by working with none other than our favorite artists from previous issues:

Derek Ballard (Diamond #4)
Michael Deforge (Diamond #4)
Stanley Lieber (Diamond #1)
Benjamin Marra (Diamond #2)
Panayiotis Terzis (Diamond #3)
Pete Toms (Diamond #1)

We're welcoming one new artist, Cleon Peterson (Obey Giant), providing the center spread and a planned cover by Al Columbia.

Because of the larger print run and the color printing, our costs are a bit higher. Publishing projects like Diamond are fruits of the labor that is Floating World. I've had people from other states and countries tell me they love the store (even though they haven't been here), but because of projects like these that they're aware of. My comics curating relationship with Arthur Magazine gets more and more involved and we've got some cool ideas for more collaborations coming soon. Thanks again for all your support. I would probably do it even without the sponsorship help, but only once every year or two. With your sponsorship help we can get these out 3-4 times a year. Exciting!

Sample pages from Diamond 4:

More comics here:


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The Civil Four: Death of a Nation Part 1


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via CONSPIRE! by Maxeem on 3/20/10

Cover of the Civil Four

CIVIL FOUR: The Comic Book

Western Culture-based cartoonist Maxeem (Commune, Ex Novo Libris) and New York comedy pioneer Casey Van Heel (The Jerk Practice) have teamed up to create and publish a thrilling tongue-in-cheek science fiction adventure comic called The Civil Four, which does not feature a cover by Kevin Cannon (Far Arden). The official book release is not planned for any particular time, but when it does come out, we will certainly have tee-shirts.

The Civil Four tells the story of those affected by interdimensional space treachery! Can Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, the ghost of Benjamin Franklin trapped in his own key, U.S. Grant and Johnny Appleseed reconcile their altered continuity before its too late? The Civil Four: Death of a Nation is a typical American-sized comic that comes in at just under 30 pages, with no spectacular full-color wrap around cover illustrated so jaw-droppingly beautifully by Kevin Cannon.

However, if you are interested, we do have a trailer you may find ironically dramatic:

Oh no the Klangsmen are out of control


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string #19


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via CONSPIRE! by Bram on 3/23/10

Now available for download — the latest issue of string, the regular anthology of comics from 7000 BC.

Download a PDF of string #19 and check out future issues every month.

(If the link for the PDF isn't opening the file up for you, it might work better to right or option-click and download it to your computer.)

Previous issues: string #1 | string #2 | string #3 | string #4 | string #5| string #6 | string #7 | string #8 | string #9 | string #10 | string#11 | string #12 | string #13 | string #14 | string #15 | string #16 | string #17 | string #18


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New from Xexoxial Editions: Abecedarium by Peter Lamborn Wilson


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via Crg Hill's poetry scorecard by Crg Hill on 3/29/10

2010. 8.25 x 8.25, 68 pages, b + w. $10.00 + $3 shipping.
ISBN 0-9770049-8-8 | EAN-13 978-0-9770049-8-0

Alphapoetic meditation on the etymology of the English alphabet with
diagrams by the author.

Peter Lamborn Wilson's quick wit and poetic intelligence add
immeasurably to the small store of recent art and poetry (Mac Low,
Berman, Silliman, Bok, Johns, to name a few) celebrating or utilitizng
the lore and wonder of alphabetic writing. As with Mac Low and Berman
in particular, Wilson's focus is on the Hebrew alphabet, coterminous
with the Phoenician at the alphabet's beginnings: a meditation, visual
and verbal, on the shape, form, history, and praxis of the letters and
signs in question. The resultant Abecedarium, reads like poetry or
what we now take poetry to be: short and tight prose versets that
bring to life a world of lore and tradition, and by so doing, make it
new. A book to read again and again, and a lettristic delight.

—Jerome Rothenberg

Abecedarium by Peter Lamborn WilsonThis remarkable lexicon explores
tensions between life in a world before the State and the emergence of
the alphabet, or the origin of the world as we purport to know it.
Amidst the reign and terror of nonsense, in a land where 'everything
is believable and nothing knowable,' Peter Lamborn Wilson—at the peak
of his extraordinary power—tutors us in the old ways in an offering of
both knowledge and wisdom.

—Ammiel Alcalay

Review copies available upon request.

Xexoxial Editions
10375 County Hway Alphabet
La Farge, WI  54639


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if you're into this kind of thing ... #2, ?$, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, copied, 20 pgs.


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Zeen Review: Quiet Pop


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QUIET POP by Quiet Pop

Quiet Pop is a collective of artists, mostly visual artists & musicians who've combined powers to summon some kind of networked multi-platformed arts champion. They put art on the walls, put on a gig in the same space & often feature live drawing or painting. Of the 2 gigs I've seen them put on, the crowd they draw seems to consist of people they already know & seldom few strangers. Quiet Pop, as a consortium of artists, don't seem to try anything new but merely do what they already like & pat themselves on the back about it. As far as networking goes, they have a comprehensive net presence & relevant to this here article, a zeen to ply about town in the venues they like to frequent. It's an A7 fold out # in full colour featuring mostly reviews of albums & gigs w/ a few interviews w/ artists they endorse. & The reviews all seem to be quite glowing, which takes me back to the beginning of this review & the comment about not trying (or consuming) anything new & patting themselves on the back. Even though there are artists mentioned in the zeen that I do enjoy, I gotta take their write-ups w/ a grain of salt within the biased context that is 'Quiet Pop'. As pleasant as their product is, there's  a lack of challenge for the reader that translates as a failure to engage w/ their desired audience. While it does seem like they want to endorse a culture of saccharine niceties, Quiet Pop, for variety's sake, need to throw something thoroughly unpleasant in the mix, please?


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Two Awesome Kickstarter Projects


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via Super Duper by Corey Thompson on 3/18/10

I've came across two really awesome Kickstarter projects recently. One for Diamond Comics 5 and one for Jess Smart Smiley's A Map In The Dirt.

diamond comics kickstarter 500x711 Two Awesome Kickstarter Projects

If you've been reading the blog for awhile now, you probably already know that I am a huge fan of Diamond Comics. Diamond Comics is a zine curated by Jason Leivian the owner of Floating World Comics. The zine features a nice mixture of comics and art, check out my previous posts on Diamond Comics for more info on the zine. For the fifth issue Jason is looking to expand the number of copies printed from 2,000 to 10,000. If you donate some bones, you get various rewards.

map in the dirt kickstarter Two Awesome Kickstarter Projects

A Map in the Dirt is a comic by Jess Smart Smiley. Jess is looking for some cash to get her comic printed. You might recognize Jess' work from Free Doodles III. As usual when you throw some bones down you get a reward.


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